On 01/16/2013 07:15 AM, Thomas Kluyver wrote:
On 16 January 2013 08:35, Nathaniel Smith <n...@pobox.com <mailto:n...@pobox.com>> wrote:

    When this has come up on the numfocus list before the status was,
    sure, they can provide resources/funding if you can find someone
    to do the actual work :-). If anyone is interested in putting in
    the time to solve this problem properly then a lot of projects
    would be grateful I think...

We'd certainly be interested in a better solution for IPython - I think we see more Travis builds failing because of Travis than because of the actual code.

Before Travis started testing pull requests, we wrote our own test_pr.py script [1], which fetches a PR, merges it into master, tests on several versions of Python, and (optionally) posts a comment to Github with the results. This should be pretty easy to adapt to other projects - NetworkX already decide to use it [2]. With a little more code, I imagine we could configure a server to regularly scan pull requests for changes and test them.

This definitely would be worth investigating. At least in my institution, finding CPU time isn't terribly difficult. Hosting our own network services is -- so something that does builds locally and then publishes the results somewhere else (i.e. Github) may make a lot of sense.

Sympy also have a system for automatically testing pull requests [3]. I think this is somewhat more advanced, with a queue on Google Appengine, and workers which pull jobs from the queue.

Finally, we're keen users of ShiningPanda [4]. It doesn't test pull requests, but it's reliable, and can handle things like coverage metrics nicely.

The matplotlib test suite is really CPU-intensive, and the last time I did the math, the ShiningPanda free plan was too tight -- it's about an hour of CPU time (on ShiningPanda's machines) per test for 4 Numpy/Python combinations. It's about $0.50/hr, and you get $6 free per month.

I really like ShiningPanda, mostly for how flexible the setup of prerequisites are, but it will cost some money to use.


[1] https://github.com/ipython/ipython/blob/master/tools/test_pr.py
[2] https://github.com/networkx/networkx/pull/752
[3] http://reviews.sympy.org/
[4] https://jenkins.shiningpanda.com/ipython/

Best wishes,

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