I have made a new release candidate (1.3.0rc4) that fixes the following vs. 1.3.0rc3:

- It doesn't add a setup.cfg file to the tarball

- It doesn't install the KnownFailure nose plugin as a pkg_resources entry_point (this conflicted with IPython's plugin of the same name)

- We get a known failure from the pep8 test if pep8 isn't installed

Hopefully that's enough to get to the point of giving this release candidate some wider exposure before putting out a final release. We can use some sprint time at Scipy to get this release polished if desired and necessary, too.


On 06/19/2013 06:10 PM, Michael Droettboom wrote:
On 06/19/2013 05:45 PM, Michael Droettboom wrote:
On 06/19/2013 05:03 PM, Russell E. Owen wrote:
In article<51c0b2f6.5070...@stsci.edu>,
Michael Droettboom<md...@stsci.edu> wrote:

I have tagged a 1.3.0rc3 and uploaded a tarball to Sourceforge.

We may not get all the binaries up in the next little while, so I'll
wait for those and then make an announcement on matplotlib-users.  After
a couple of weeks, assuming no serious problems, we'll be ready for
1.3.0 final.

Thanks again to everyone for their help with this release!
I have uploaded the MacOS 10.6 64-bit binary. However, there were a few
unit test failures, including the font complaint that I first saw in an
earlier 1.3.0 prerelease, plus one about pep8 that I've never seen

The font issue was reportedly fixed by 9ccacff <https://github.com/pwuertz/matplotlib/commit/9ccacffe81e0d4a48e4a4b19064460b94c6f77c9>, but apparently not. I'll ping Peter Wuertz about that.
My bad. It was determined that this was too difficult to fix at the moment. See issue https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib/pull/2117.

Let's just ignore this for now -- for finesse we can trap this case and mark it as "known fail", but I don't think that needs to hold things up for now.


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