Stephen Uhlhorn wrote:
> My python is from ActiveState (Framework) which
> was recommended by the scipy people.

I wonder why, I don't what the advantages of it are over the pythonmac 
version -- last I heard it did NOT support Universal binaries, but maybe 
that makes things a bit easier, particularly for scipy, and there is no 
easy way to build universal binaries from Fortran.

> Here's the real saga. I had a working Fink installaiton of
> python/numpy/scipy/matplotlib until an update to scipy broke critical
> functions (fopen). The fix is in cvs, so this whole mess started in an
> attempt to use a cvs version of scipy.

You could (should) have re-built scipy inside your fink distro.

> I tried wxpython2.6 first, but figure windows never got drawn on my
> display, even when I used pythonw.

wxPython 2.6.3, as distributed on the wxPython site and pythonmac, 
should work with MPL. I've lost track of whether there is a properly 
built binary of MPL on pythonmac at this point. Search these archives, 
and you'll see discussion of how to do it, or send a note to me if this 
one fails:

Russell, if  you're listening -- did you ever post your binary for 
Python2.4, wxPython2.6.3 ?

> So I tried pygtk because it worked
> fine for me under fink and on my linux box. I thought I could build a
> binary pygtk with darwinports and use it in my installation... I guess
> not.

nope, PYGTK is a good option IF you want to stick with darwinports or 
Fink, but not if you want the more "mac native" setup.

> 1) Build a mpkg of pygtk using darwinports and install it under my
> python. Is this possible?

not easily -- I don't think it's been done --someone correct me if I'm 

> 2) Get wx working somehow. Where do I begin?

with the package above, the notes that should be on this list, and if 
you're lucky with Russell Owens' binary. If all that fails, drop me a 
note, either Russell or I should be able to get you going.

Note that there are some yet-unresolved issues with the wx back-end with 
wxPython2.8, at least on OS-X, so I'd stick with 2.6.3. OH, and I've 
lost track, are you using Python 2.4 or 2.5? It should all work with 
2.5, but I (and I think Russell) are using wxPython2.8 with Python 2.5 
and wxPython2.6 with Python 2.4.

> 3) Cocoa backend? I didn't know there was one.

It may not have ever matured -- anyone know?

> 4) Go back to fink or darwinports  and fight these problems on the scipy 
> side.

If you had Fink all working, it might be easiest to start there -- you 
just need to re-build scipy with all the fink tools -- that should be 
much like building it on Linux.


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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