I'm trying to make a 10 inch wide by 30 inch high, 72 dpi figure and
display it interactively.  Matplotlib seems to squash the height for
anything over a certain size, depending on the backend:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys, os, matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

print os.uname()
print sys.version
print matplotlib.__version__

f = plt.figure(figsize=(10,30), dpi=72)
print "figheight before show(): %f" % f.get_figheight()
print "figheight after show():  %f" % f.get_figheight()

Prints this:

('Linux', 'prime', '2.6.31-14-generic', '#48-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 16
14:05:01 UTC 2009', 'x86_64')
2.6.4 (r264:75706, Nov  2 2009, 14:44:17)
[GCC 4.4.1]

figheight before show(): 30.000000
figheight after show():  22.027778

Tk squashes heights over 12 inches (the heights do get larger as you
request larger figures, but not as large as what you request); GTK
goes up to 11; and Qt4Agg only goes up to 7.3.  WX seems to be the
only backend that will give me a 30 inch figure, but even then I have
to manually resize the window to make it fit.  This happens in scripts
with pyplot, in ipython with or without -pylab, and via the matplotlib

Is there some limitation on figure sizes?

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