> Yeah, there are better ways to do that, somewhat.  The problem with the
> proposed solution is that it relies on non-public APIs, which are can be
> subject to change without deprecation.  Instead, I would have created the
> figimage object with a particular transform object that would have placed
> it at the appropriate data points.

Maybe your or someone from this list can help me understand more about
this.  So, if I take the code that I have adapted to my purposes, there are
questions I have about it:

        # constants
        dpi = 72; imageSize = (32,32)
        # read in our png file
        im = image.imread('redX_10.png')

So far, so good--just setting the dpi and getting the image.

        fig = self.figure
        ax = self.subplot

Does the current version of Matplotlib require the frame be set to fully
transparent?  I need a white canvas, so I think I'd rather not do that.

        # translate point positions to pixel positions
        # figimage needs pixels not points
        line = self.line_collections_list[0][0]

"line" here is my line of datapoints from elsewhere in my app.

        path, affine =
        path = affine.transform_path(path)

I have no understanding of the purpose of the previous three lines.  Can
someone give me a quick explanation?

        for pixelPoint in path.vertices:
            # place image at point, centering it


This is just a way to put the image somewhere on my canvas to see it, so
these offsets are just for this exercise.

I should state that if I do it this way, the images appear on the canvas
but are NOT repositioned in data coordinates (and they should be)--which is
probably just Ben's point, right?

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