Le 04/10/2012 16:03, Jason Grout a écrit :
> f@r means f(r)
> a~ImageConvolve~b means ImageConvolve(a,b)  (~ treats an operator as infix)
> Table[..., {2}] means [... for i in range(2)]
> #+1& is a lambda function lambda x: x+1
> So I think it goes something like:
> def xkcdDistort(p):
>      r = ImagePad(Rasterize(p), 10, Padding='White')
>      (ix, iy) = [ImageConvolve(RandomImage([-1,1], ImageDimensions(r)),
>                                GaussianMatrix(10))
>                  for i in range(2)]
>      return ImagePad(ImageTransformation(r,
>                  lambda coord: (coord[0]+15*ImageValue(ix, coord),
>                                 coord[1]+15*ImageValue(iy, coord)),
>                   DataRange='Full'),
>                -5)
Thanks a lot!

It's the first time I encounter Mathematica syntax. Some of these
functional notations are not so easy to follow for my unexperienced eyes
but it makes this Mathematica code nicely compact.

So I think this code indeed resamples the rastered plot image on a
shaken coordinate grid. I kind of understand that the noise on
coordinates is spatially smoothed by a 10px Gaussian Point Spread
Function (if I understand correctly...)


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