I would suggest trying the following:

  1.  Use the solution of a fast decoupled power flow or an optimal power flow 
(with line limits and voltage limits relaxed) as the initial guess for the 
power flow.
  2.  Follow step 5 in http://www.pserc.cornell.edu/matpower/#pfconvergence 
making CPF to stop when the nose-point is reached. This can be done via results 
= runcpf(mpcbase,mpctarget,mpoption(‘cpf.stop_at’,’NOSE’)). If 
results.cpf.max_lam is >= 1, then it shows that the initial guess for the power 
flow is the problem for its divergence. To obtain a ‘good’ initial guess, run 
the continuation power flow again making it to stop exactly at lam = 1 (the 
target case loading and generation) via results = 
runcpf(mpcbase,mpctarget,mpoption(‘cpf.stop_at’,1.0)). You can then save the 
results struct as a matpower case file (via savecase()). On the other hand, if 
results.cpf.max_lam < 1, then the loading/generation in your original case is 
beyond the system steady-state loading limit.

From: Mirish Thakur <mirishtha...@gmail.com<mailto:mirishtha...@gmail.com>>
Reply-To: MATPOWER discussion forum 
Date: Monday, August 10, 2015 at 10:44 AM
To: MATPOWER discussion forum 
Subject: convergence problem in runpf.

Dear Matpower Community,

I’m working on power flow project and have used grid data from database. I have 
modelled all line parameters (R X B) in p.u. system, also same for transformers 
and kept generator output until it satisfies active and reactive  power demand. 
For renewable generation, I specified as negative demand on respective buses. I 
checked all possibilities mentioned in  FAQ 
(http://www.pserc.cornell.edu/matpower/#pfconvergence ) but couldn’t figure out 
problem. Also I checked (case_info) to see any island but got full system 
without island. To make the problem simple I used all buses as PQ buses except 
one slack bus. Also my casefile converges for rundcpf but fails to runpf and 
gives error like ‘Newton's method power flow did not converge in 10 
iterations.’ Also I found that when I use following code-

     opt  = mpoption('OUT_BUS', 0, 'OUT_BRANCH', 0, 'VERBOSE', 2);
   mpc  = loadcase('casefile');
 results =runpf(mpc,opt);

may be it gives me divergence of PQ mismatch instead of convergence.

MATPOWER Version 5.1, 20-Mar-2015 -- AC Power Flow (Newton)

 it    max P & Q mismatch (p.u.)
----  ---------------------------
  0         2.296e+01
  1         1.729e+01
  2         2.450e+03
  3         2.352e+03
  4         6.962e+06
  5         1.740e+06
  6         4.352e+05
  7         1.753e+07
  8         4.382e+06
  9         3.322e+06
 10         8.303e+05
Newton's method power flow did not converge in 10 iterations.

>>>>>  Did NOT converge (0.23 seconds)  <<<<<

results =
        version: '2'
    baseMVA: 100
             bus: [1086x13 double]
             gen: [467x21 double]
         branch: [2145x17 double]
            order: [1x1 struct]
                et: 0.2320
       success: 0
I will be very thankful for your help.

Mirish Thakur.
KIT, University.

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