One of the better web applications I've seen is designed for youth sports teams. There are a couple of these, but we're using It's a freebie and worth taking out an account just to see it work.

No i18n though =:0)


Scott Hernandez wrote:
I'd be interested in seeing it, and we can add a link to the source in the
docs if you would like. The more samples, the better.

<random type="comment">
I'm always amazed at home much technology we can squeeze in an application
for such a little thing like a soccer team. I remember when I was kid all we
did was xerox schedules and phone lists and bring them home to our parents.
Now I just say,, and wham everything is there. We are generating so
much more information it is out of control. It is a Burdon and creates so
many benefits I just don't know how to feel about it :)

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