Thanks for the votes of support =:0)

I have a patch pending with FormProc now that I would like to include in our opt-formproc extension. I just left a note for Anthon Eden to see how he felt about it. FormProc caches the original input, and the patch exposes the list so controls can redisplay the erroneous input.

The other enhancement I'd like to make to FormProc, and our extension, is bidirectional converters. Right now, I can pass a converter a String like "12/31/2003" and get back a Date (or a validation message). To close the loop, I'd like to pass the converted a Data and get back "12/31/2003", without any additional coding.

One point I should bring up is the packaging. Since this is new development, I used net.sf.mav as the package root. I know some of you have looked the code over, but I wanted to make sure this was all right with everyone before committing it.


Schnitzer, Jeff wrote:

Welcome Ted :-)

Jeff Schnitzer

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-- Ted Husted, Junit in Action - <>, Struts in Action - <>, JSP Site Design - <>.

"Get Ready, We're Moving Out!!" - <>

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