Hi. I noticed that Slackware moved back to 4.5.51 because
users reported problems with 4.5.54. Can someone confirm if
they exist ?


Sat May 12 23:01:42 PDT 2001

ap1/mc.tgz:  Reverted to mc-4.5.51.  I've received many complaints about
    problems with the newer version of mc, and it doesn't look like they'll be
    fixed any time soon, so I'm going back to the last version that worked.
    Also, removed --with-samba support, which was causing random freezes at
    launch time for users who aren't running a samba server and do not need
    (or want) samba support.  Note also that the newest version wouldn't
    compile as a GNOME app.

Sat May  5 11:28:45 PDT 2001
ap1/mc.tgz:  Upgraded to mc-4.5.54.

Users reported problems at


And gmc was removed from the distribution


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