I also saw that article and had some issue with it, too. I'm pretty 
pro-CC and free-use in most cases, but as Amalyah said, museums don't 
always (or usually) have the option to make everything fair-use. It's 
really out of our hands. And so I find it intensely frustrating that a 
lot of copyfighters insist on blaming the museum for copyright on 
artwork. It undermines public perception of the museum as a 
publicly-funded space, with numerous complaints by photographers about 
why a public institution doesn't allow the public to photograph within 
modern and contemporary art galleries.

Case in point: a couple of years ago I wrote a scathing letter in 
response to this blog post by a well-known photography blogger: 
http://thomashawk.com/2004/08/editorial-on-camera-policies-in.html He 
did respond to me, but was unwilling to accept my argument that SFMOMA 
had no copyright control over many of the images in their galleries. 
Honestly, I have to wonder if some sort of public education campaign is 
in order, as this sort of stuff makes us look bad.

Ok, off my soapbox now...


Amalyah Keshet wrote:
> Richard:
> At first glance, the article contains quite a few mistakes regarding legal 
> issues.  
> Example:  "When we absolve curators of responsibility for defending our fair 
> use rights..."   Well, we do NOT have a fair use right to photograph, without 
> the artist's permission, works protected by copyright -- wherever they are 
> displayed -- except for certain very limited purposes, and property, privacy, 
> and contract law may indeed preempt that.  Only a court of law can determine 
> whether the purpose of the photography was fair use or not. (And it could be 
> argued that a curator's repsonsibility is to keep his or her museum away from 
> courts of law.)
> Yes, that's the problem with the fair use concept as currently expressed in 
> the US copyright code, but that's another article altogether -- one that 
> should be written by someone who does their legal research a lot better.
> While I sympathize with the fair use spirit of the article, one has to get 
> one's facts right in order to make a decent argument for ...anything.
> I'm off to London for a museums copyright conference at the National Gallery: 
> Connecting Culture and Commerce: Getting the Right Balance  
> http://www.kdcs.kcl.ac.uk/mcg2007/index.htm, organized by Simon Tanner and 
> Naomi Korn and sponsored by the Museums Copyright Group.  I hope to meet MCN 
> IP colleages there -- yes? -- and I promise to report back to the MCN 
> constituency.  
> Amalyah Keshet
> Head of Image Resources & Copyright Management
> The Israel Museum, Jerusalem  akeshet at imj.org.il
> Chair, MCN IP SIG   www.mcn.edu
> Blog  www.musematic.net 
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Richard Urban" <rjurban at uiuc.edu>
> To: "Museum Computer Network Listserv" <mcn-l at mcn.edu>
> Sent: Monday, January 22, 2007 2:58 AM
> Subject: [MCN-L] IP SIG: LACMA's Magritte exhibit: This is not fair use

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