I had a great time at the MCN conference this year as a first time
participant, and wanted to subsequently reach out to the community
regarding a project I've been asked to tackle. Apologies in advance, as I
just joined the MCN listserve and may have missed previous conversations on
this topic, and also I've cross-posted this on a couple other listservs
that members may also subscribe to.

I've been asked to compile a kind of research paper/white paper for use at
Parks Canada (general info and trends research and a scan of what's
currently being done) on the ways that museums, parks,  historic sites and
similar cultural and natural heritage institutions, are using AR and VR,
what the trends are, what the concerns/issues are, what's worked and what
hasn't, and what applications seem to have the best return on investment.

We're seeing a lot of staff working in Canada's national parks and historic
sites expressing interest in both VR and AR, which is not surprising, and
we are increasingly getting pitches from partners and companies on a large
range of VR and AR products and services, but we haven't done a lot of
thinking nationally yet into how best to tackle these technologies in a
cost effective manner that can be scaled across a system where some places
have lots of resources and others have very limited resources. The
challenge for us is always trying to maintain a certain consistency of
quality level while offering  digital media products and programming across
a system of 150 locations with widely varying digital expertise, staff and
time resources, and public infrastructure and visitation.

If anyone has any advice or experiences they'd like to share, or knows of
any existing reports that are similar or touch on parts of this then we'd
very much appreciate the intel.

Thanks in advance,

Michael White

Analyste principal de la recherche - Nouveaux médias, Direction de
l'expérience de la marque
Parcs Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
30 rue Victoria (PC-02-E), 2-11, Gatineau QC J8X 0B3
michael.wh...@pc.gc.ca / Tél. : 819-420-9300

Senior Research Analyst - New Media, Brand Experience Branch
Parks Canada / Government of Canada
30 Victoria Street (PC-02-E), 2-11, Gatineau QC J8X 0B3
michael.wh...@pc.gc.ca / Tel: 819-420-9300

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