Dear Pak Syafril,

Mau tanya pak, ada user kami tidak bisa kirim email via MS Outlook namun 
jika via webmail bisa
Bisa minta tolong bantu analisa pak, error messagenya sbb :

Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.

      Subject: TEST2
      Sent: 05/08/2021 16:17

The following recipient(s) cannot be reached:

      '' on 05/08/2021 16:17
            Server error: '550 <>, Recipient 

Email penerima masih aktif dan benar penulisannya.



This e-mail message (including any attachments) is confidential and for use by 
the addressee only. If the message is received by anyone other than the 
addressee, please return the message to the sender by replying to it and then 
delete the message from your computer. Any unauthorised use or dissemination of 
this message (including any attachments) in whole or in part is strictly 
prohibited.  Internet e-mails are not necessarily secure and are susceptible to 
change. PT. Semangat Sejahtera Bersama does not accept responsibility for 
changes made to this message after it was sent. Whilst all reasonable care has 
been taken to avoid the transmission of viruses, it is the responsibility of 
the recipient to ensure that the onward transmission, opening or use of this 
message and any attachments will not adversely affect its systems or data. No 
responsibility is accepted by PT. Semangat Sejahtera Bersama in this regard and 
the recipient should carry out such virus and other checks as it considers 
appropriate. PT. Semangat Sejahtera Bersama does not also accept responsibility 
for the improper or incomplete transmission of the information contained in 
this communication nor for any delay in its receipt or damage to your system 
and does not guarantee that the integrity of this communication has been 
maintained. Visit our website at

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server di Indonesia

Dokumentasi :
Berlangganan: Kirim mail ke
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke
Versi terakhir: MDaemon 21.0.2, SecurityGateway 8.0.1

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