In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

American War Crimes

A common-sense look at US actions against Iraq.


American Man Who Hates Islam Spends Thirty Days With Muslims- Find out what 

Its's about this American guy in Western Virginia who really hates Islam 
and thinks all muslims are bad people, like the usual western society.

He spends 30 days with Muslims, and you won't believe what happens.


President dismisses complaints U of T soft on racism Protest

Occasionally crying "shame," student activists yesterday demanded U of T do 
a better job of ridding the campus and administration of what they say is 




Arar tells EU investigators of ordeal

Brussels ­ Maher Arar told an investigative committee of the European 
Parliament on Thursday that he was kidnapped in New York and deported by 
U.S. authorities via Rome and Jordan to Syria, where he was tortured for 10 


Workers On The Slag Heap Of History

Today, in America, the richest country on earth, the gates of many towns 
welcome visitors with abandoned factories. And the communities these 
factories flank tell you more about what's really destroying America than 
any Wall Street analyst or Washington policy wonk ever could.


Video: Professor David Ray Griffin: Author of The New Pearl Harbor &The 
9/11 Commission Report

Omissions and Distortions Professor Griffin addresses how the White House 
managed the 9/11 Comission's investigation.


I can prove George Bush didn't have a failure of imagination on or before 
9/11, using his own words

George Bush said before he was president that terrorism would be his number 
one priority, after 9/11 he said it was a failure of imagination.

Imagine if you told your children not to stick their hands in the fire, 
then you did it, got burned, and blamed them for not heeding your own 
warnings. What should your children think of you?

Well children, time to read Bush's warnings, his specific priorities, and 
then ask yourself..."How could George Bush have had a failure of 
imagination, when he said protecting the American people from terrorism, 
was his number one priority?"


Sheen Airs 9/11 Conspiracy Theory

Actor Charlie Sheen refuses to accept the official explanation behind the 
terrorist atrocities of September 11, 2001, and believes the U.S. 
government covered up what really happened.

Conspiracy theorist Sheen claims New York City's Twin Towers fell as the 
result of a "controlled demolition."


9/11 : No Longer The Minority: 82% Plus Support Charlie Sheen

Despite the best efforts of the now whimpering attack poodles of the 
mainstream media, an online CNN poll shows that over four-fifths, or 82 per 
cent, agree with actor Charlie Sheen that the U.S. government covered up 
the real events of the 9/11 attacks.


Do you agree with Charlie Sheen that the U.S. government covered up the 
real events of the 9/11 attacks?

Posted Mar 24, 2006 08:14 AM PST - Category: 911
Poll in left column, 82% of respondants said "yes".


Village Voice Hit Piece Attacks 9/11 Skeptics

A new hit piece is doing the rounds that seeks to portray the 9/11 truth 
movement as an almost evangelical orthodoxy with ties to Neo-Nazi 

Which tells you right there who is behind the 9-11 cover-up, because they 
ALWAYS resort to smearing their enemies as "Neo-Nazis" (See article about 
Dershowitz below).


Alan Dershowitz cranks up the smear machine against the Harvard report on 
the Israeli lobby

Alan, there are no more real Nazis, Every so-called Nazi or Neo-Nazi out 
there, upon close examination, turns out to be someone's agent, playing at 
Nazi, in order to extract political benefit.

I mean, lets get back to reality. Who would sign up to be identified with 
the people who LOST THE LAST WORLD WAR? Do you see kids going out to play 
war begging to play the Cong in Vietnam, or the British in 1776? Do you? 
NO. Yet we are being told to believe that despite losing WW2 and wrecking 
Germany in the process, there are people today who want to be seen as more 
of the same losers.

I don't buy it. It's a hoax. Like that Clairemont professor's car, or 
"Fragments", it's just another fake in a long line of fakes. "By way of 
deception..." and all that.


BBC Video: UK's Role In Bringing Nukes To The Middle East

Top secret documents reveal that Britain secretly supplied Israel with 
plutonium during Harold Wilson's government. The revelations come as 
Britain is expressing total opposition to Iran's nuclear programme. Michael 
Crick reports.


George Bush's Trillion-Dollar War

George W. Bush's war in Iraq was never supposed to be particularly expensive.

Administration types tossed out numbers like $50 billion and $60 billion.

When Lawrence Lindsey, the president's chief economic adviser, said the war 
was likely to cost $100 billion to $200 billion, he was fired.


Bush Says He's Above the Law Again


Democratizing the Middle East: One Torture Victim at a Time


Depleted Uranium For Dummies

Everything you need to know about depleted uranium. Every day our troops 
remain in Iraq increases the chances that they will come home sick, produce 
children with birth defects, and die prematurely.


President Bush Puts Congress in the Crossfire Between the Voters and the 
Occupation of Iraq

Will the Congress Stand Up to the President or Alienate the Voters?

President George W. Bush said in a press conference on March 21, 2006 that 
U.S. troops will still be in Iraq after his presidency ends in 2009. Asked 
when all U.S. forces would finally pull out of Iraq, Bush told a White 
House news conference: “That will be decided by future presidents and 
future governments of Iraq.” Bush's term ends in January 2009.

The silence from Congress in reaction to this pledge was deafening.


60 Minutes joins the propaganda war

The fact that 60 Minutes would stake its reputation on such a pathetic 
example of state propaganda illustrates the desperation that’s spreading 
like wildfire through the political establishment to their colleagues in 
the corporate media.


My heart is Iraqi

It is because the Iraqis refuse to surrender their sovereignty to 
multinational corporations that Iraq is being destroyed so blatantly.


The Day That Iraqi Anger Exploded in the Face of the British Occupiers

The dramatic events began to unfold just before dawn yesterday, when two 
British nationals were detained by Iraqi authorities. It emerged later that 
they were British soldiers. Dressed in plain clothes - according to some 
they were wearing traditional Arab dress - the two men had been driving in 
an unmarked car when they arrived at a checkpoint in the city.


Videos of The Iraqi Resistance   Sammara


Children Continue To Be Main Victims Of U.S. Occupation

In the 1980s, Iraq had one of the best health care systems in the region. 
Following the 2003 invasion by the coalition forces, an ongoing cycle of 
insurgent violence and occupation forces’ counter-attacks have 
significantly damaged the basic health infrastructure in the country. As a 
result, Iraq’s health system cannot respond to the most basic health needs 
of the population.


Iraqi Woman Tours U.S. to Tell True Story of Iraq War

Al-Araji does not mince words. She says the chaos in her country is no 
accident. “It’s to [the occupation’s] benefit to create conflict to stay 
forever in Iraq, so that the Iraqis will be confused about who is the real 
enemy. But the real enemy is the occupation.”


Iraqi residents say bodies in video from US raid

A video of civilians who may have been killed by U.S. Marines in an Iraqi 
town in November showed residents describing a rampage by U.S. soldiers 
that left a trail of bullet-riddled bodies and destruction.


The carnage doesn't change the truth: the US lost before it invaded Iraq

Three years have passed and the world continues diving into ever 
obscurantist times. On 15 February 2003, collective humanity felt it so 
deeply that it used every available tool to get organised against power, 
taking to streets simultaneously across the planet to oppose this 
terrifying war. Three years have passed and as we sensed pre-emptively, 
it's a massacre; a bloodshed of unspeakable brutality. Three years have 
passed and Iraq has been destroyed as a state and as a nation. Its natural 
resources have been plundered, its civilisational and cultural heritage 
looted, its religious heritage desecrated, its people raped, tortured, 
drilled, murdered and even melted. Cynicism nowadays refuses the call for 
an immediate and complete withdrawal of occupation forces for fear of civil 


The Abu Ghraib files


  Iraq on its own to rebuild, U.S. says

The head of the U.S.-led program to rebuild Iraq said Thursday that the 
Iraqi government can no longer count on U.S. funds and must rely on its own 
revenues and other foreign aid, particularly from Persian Gulf nations.


Chavez: U.S. Has Been Routed in Iraq

CARACAS, Venezuela ­ Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said Tuesday that 
U.S. troops have been routed by a strong resistance movement in Iraq, but 
haven't pulled out because officials in Washington won't acknowledge defeat.


Danish soldier killed by blast in Iraq

A Danish soldier has been killed in southern Iraq after his patrol vehicle 
hit a bomb by the side of the road near the city of Basra, the Danish 
central army command said.



Bring 'em on: Insurgents on Wednesday laid siege to the headquarters of a 
police paramilitary unit near Baghdad, lobbing a volley of mortars that 
killed at least one senior officer and wounded at least five, Interior 
Ministry officials said.

In the pre-dawn attack, 14 mortars hit a government center in the town of 
Salman Pak, 12 miles southeast of Baghdad, housing the 3rd Public Order 
Brigade, which has a reputation for torture and abuse.


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Thursday, 23 March 2006
    * Resistance simultaneously rockets three US-occupied facilities in 
ar-Ramadi on Thursday evening.
    * Resistance sharpshooter reportedly kills US soldier in Hit.
    * Ransom payment reportedly secures release of three Christian 
missionaries held hostage by Iraqi Resistance group since November 2005.
    * Resistance car bomber blasts puppet police building in Baghdad’s 
ar-Rusafah district late Thursday morning killing 17.
    * Delegation of Association of Muslim Scholars of Iraq on visit to Russia.
    * As massive American offensive continues, Resistance blasts US 
military headquarters in al-Buhayrah Hotel in Samarra’ with rockets.
    * Three US troops reported killed in Resistance bombing in Tikrit 
Wednesday evening.
    * Resistance bomb blast near Ba‘qubah Wednesday evening leaves two US 
troops reported dead.
    * Two US troops reported killed from Resistance bomb and sharpshooter 
attacks in Mosul as another Resistance bomb in the city blows up American 
bomb detection vehicle.
    * Resistance bomb in al-Basrah reportedly kills two British troops, 
Iraqi collaborator translator Wednesday afternoon.


Poverty, racism and votes: Audio: MP3

Chris McGreal reports from Jerusalem on how Israeli Arabs will affect next 
week's election. (4min 40s)


After the rhapsody, the bitter legacy of Israel and the left

Liberals were once happy to overlook the country's crimes, seeing only a 
model democratic state,,1738359,00.html


Hamas Rightly Demands Palestinian Rights

Check out Israel's laws. Their blueprint for racism, apartheid and 
dehumanizing others abounds. From the beginning the West accepted Israel's 
Absentee Property and Planning Laws though the United Nations cried foul 
and demanded change.


Dozens of attacks, killing of child mark week of Israeli crimes

Israeli violations of international law continued in the Occupied 
Palestinian Territory (OPT) during the reporting period (16 - 22 March 2006)

Killing: On Friday, 17 March 2006, an IOF undercover unit shot dead a 
Palestinian child in al-Yamoun village, west of Jenin.  Israeli soldiers 
opened fire at a car in which the child was traveling.  Following 
investigations into the killing, IOF admitted that the undercover unit 
violated instructions of shooting.  They claimed that
Israeli soldiers ordered the driver to stop, but he did not, so they fired 
at the tires of the car, killing the child and injuring the driver.



Canada: A Safe Haven for War Criminals

Despite requests from Canadian human rights groups, Justice Minister Vic 
Toews and Immigration Minister Monte Solberg, both members of the 
pro-Israel lobby group "Canada Israel Friendship Group" allowed accused war 
criminal Israeli Lt. Gen. (ret.)  Moshe Ya'alon into Canada.  This despite 
the fact that he would be arrested for war crimes if he were to set foot in 
the UK and despite the fact that he is the target of an action accusing him 
of war crimes in the US.


Launch of the international campaign for support of the Palestinian economy 
and resisting foreign pressures

from: Palestinian Return Centre (UK) - [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Posted March 24, 

On Tuesday 21/3/2006, in the midst of massive attendance by members of the 
Palestinian and Arab communities, the Palestinian Return Centre with the 
patronage of the Palestinian community, the Palestinian Forum, and the Arab 
Club in the United Kingdom, launched an international campaign in support 
of the Palestinian economy, and against the external pressures that aim to 
make the Palestinian people go hungry, and so pay a high price for their
democratic choice, as expressed in the last election.


Losing faith in Afghanistan

Even as the Bush administration steps up pressure on Afghanistan over the 
plight of a Christian convert, thousands of youths are descending on Kabul 
to demand that he be hanged for renouncing Islam.


Afghanistan: UK soldier dies

An MoD spokesman said that initial inquiries did not indicate the death was 
caused by hostile action, but declined to comment further while 
investigations are under way.


The Patriot Act and Attention Deficit Democracy

The American political system failed when Congress and the media recently 
rolled over in favor of extending the most onerous provisions of the USA 
PATRIOT Act. Despite stark evidence of both the law’s abuses and 
widespread popular opposition, Bush got a rubber-stamp extension of a law 
that has come to symbolize boundless government intrusions since 9/11. The 
reenactment of the Patriot Act symbolizes how America is becoming an 
“attention deficit democracyâ€? — characterized by pervasive negligence 
and ignorance throughout society and much of the government. Most Americans 
appear to no longer care whether there is any leash on government power.


Bush shuns Patriot Act requirement

When President Bush signed the reauthorization of the USA Patriot Act this 
month, he included an addendum saying that he did not feel obliged to obey 
requirements that he inform Congress about how the FBI was using the act's 
expanded police powers.


MEPs look into two more cases of extraordinary rendition

“I am not a terrorist. I am not a member of al Qaeda” he told MEPs, as the 
committee investigating alleged use of European countries by the CIA for 
the transportation and illegal detention of prisoners discussed


FBI, police spying is rising, groups allege

The ACLU has filed Freedom of Information requests for more than 150 groups 
and individuals.


Bush shuns Patriot Act requirement

When President Bush signed the reauthorization of the USA Patriot Act this 
month, he included an addendum saying that he did not feel obliged to obey 
requirements that he inform Congress about how the FBI was using the act's 
expanded police powers.


John W Dean: An Update on President Bush's NSA Program

The Historical Context: According to U.S. News & World Report, the 
President may also have authorized warrantless break-ins and other physical 
surveillance, such as opening regular mail, in violation of the Fourth 


Death raises concern at police tactics

The recent killing of an unarmed Virginia doctor has raised concerns about 
what some say is an explosion in the use of military-style police Swat 
teams in the United States.


Katrina Donation Earmarked for Bush Firm

Former first lady Barbara Bush gave relief money to a hurricane relief fund 
on the condition that it be spent to buy educational software from her son 
Neil's company.


Barbara Bush's Katrina Donation to Enrich Her Son

Former first lady's donation aids son. Katrina funds earmarked to pay for 
Neil Bush's software program

Former first lady Barbara Bush donated an undisclosed amount of money to 
the Bush-Clinton Katrina Fund with specific instructions that the money be 
spent with an educational software company owned by her son Neil.


Dubya's uncle nets $3 million from war profiteering


-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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