In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

It’s time to use the H-word : HOLOCAUST

The word holocaust from the Greek word holokauston, meaning “a completely 
(holos) burnt (kaustos) sacrificial offering.” In Iraq, Bush is daily, 
through murder most foul, making a sacrificial offering of Iraqi men, women 
and children to the god of empire.

Thus far the murderous Bush has sacrificed over 300,000 Iraqis upon the 
altar of greed. In his deranged mind Bush sees the light and the way; the 
light of the burning corpses of thousands of victims and the way of 
imperialism’s road map.

The Bush administration kills with impunity. The Bush administration uses 
the horrific tool of genocide as the lynchpin of their foreign policy. The 
Bush administration follows in the footsteps of previous imperialists 
slogging through the blood of hundreds of thousands.


God, greed and gushers

American Theocracy: The Peril and Politics of Radical Religion, Oil, and 
Borrowed Money in the 21st Century

What motivates George W. Bush's America: God or greed? Both, according to 
U.S. political writer Kevin Phillips, in a distinctly unholy alliance that 
threatens not only U.S. prosperity and geopolitical supremacy, but American 
democracy itself. War and terrorism take a back seat in this 
characteristically erudite, breathless and unrelenting look at trends in 
recent U.S. politics and economics. As the book's subtitle indicates, 
Phillips (American Dynasty, Wealth and Democracy) believes U.S. 
vulnerability will come at the hands of radical religion, oil and borrowed 


Some Thoughts about Jesus, The Church, My Country, and The War

There can be no misunderstanding that Jesus’ mandate to love is 
uncompromisingly opposed to the mass slaughter that defines the character 
of war. However, because so many have successfully distorted the teachings 
of Jesus, our country has been allowed to launch a decades-long campaign of 
death and destruction formulated to destroy all who refuse to play “the 
game” according to our rules.


Democratizing the World: One Torture Victim at a Time

Psychological torture, sleep deprivation, brutality, severe sexual 
humiliation, and murder summon visions of a dank dungeon in a remote region 
of pre-invasion Iraq, Iran, or North Korea, replete with evil inquisitors 
and hooded executioners. However, those manifestations of horror did not 
spring forth from the Axis of Evil. They are actually drawn from official 
post-9/11 US policy.


9/11: The OEM Issued a WTC Collapse Warning

How did the OEM know something that firefighters in WTC 2's impact area didn't?

Why weren't all firefighters warned?


9/11: AM - US Supreme Court to hear Guantanamo challenge

The future of Australian terror suspect David Hicks is about to become much 
clearer, with the US Supreme Court preparing to hear a landmark challenge 
to the legality of the Guantanamo Bay military commissions.

Early next week, lawyers for fellow Guantanamo Bay detainee Salim Hamdan 
will argue that the specially convened military tribunals are a fundamental 
breach of the United States constitution.


9/11: Constitutional Questions Show in AIPAC Case

Translation: Israel says we gotta let them go or they'll rat us out on 
9-11, but we have to find a way to do it the suckers will buy into.


Children of Abraham - Death in the Desert

This is a must watch flash presentation - Click here to view


The Definition of Insanity

When Bush champions human dignity, God help us all.

“We have a responsibility to promote human freedom. Yet freedom cannot be 
imposed; it must be chosen.”

The more I ponder these words, the deeper my confusion grows — at the 
consciousness that confabulated them, at the futility of any possible 
response. And so the war enters its fourth year, impervious to its own 
unpopularity, disabling critics with the irony it generates.


The Life and Crimes of George W. Bush

The mad cowboys are on the loose. Pack only what you can carry. Liberate 
the animals. Leave the rest behind. The looters are hot on the trail. Only 
ruin stands in their wake. Not even women and children are safe. Especially 
not them. Run for the hills and don't look back. Don't ever look back.


Apocalyptic president

Even some Republicans are now horrified by the influence Bush has given to 
the evangelical right


Our Little Nero

Young George has been bravely flaunting his incompetence and native ability 
to be confused in a series of unscripted press conferences. It’s been 
mostly friendly audiences, but even friends ask hard questions.


Impeachment or Resignation: Pick Your Poison

Attention please, good people! Adjust your routines and come to the aid of 
your country, and your children with your thoughtful patriotism. Don't just 
hope for impeachment, demand the resignation now of the mad hatters in the 
White House--George W. Bush and Richard Cheney.


Iraq Redux

“When a stupid man is doing something he is ashamed of, he always declares 
that it is his duty.”  ~ George Bernard Shaw

Today, only slaves to their personal biases cling to the myth of might is 
right, Go W, These Colors Don’t Run, Power Of Pride, and God Bless America. 
Which god might that be? Which America would he deign to bless?


Know your enemy

Three years past the invasion, Iraq's future has never been so uncertain, 
writes Omayma Abdel-Latif

The litany of horrors visited upon Iraq during its three-year long 
occupation is rarely better expressed than in the words of Iraqis forced 
into exile. In a statement signed by a group of Iraqi intellectuals abroad, 
Iraqis spoke of a "brutal military occupation" which "killed and maimed 
hundreds of thousands, displaced millions, blighted the lives of an entire 
population and spoiled their environment, shattered our country's physical 
infrastructure, its civic institutions and its life-support systems, 
assaulted our culture and desecrated sacred sanctuaries, violated people 
with deviant cruelty and racist intent, implanted mercenaries and death 
squads, and encouraged corruption and sedition that threaten us as a people."


War Making 101 - A Users Manual

Here's one definition of a dictator or at least one practicing to become 
one. It's a head of state able to decide alone with unchallengeable 
authority whether or not to take a nation to war for any reason. Here's an 
add-on to that definition. If a leader does it for any reason other than to 
respond to an attack by another nation or clear evidence an attack is 
coming, that leader is also a war criminal.


"A Model Democracy Is not Emerging in Iraq"

Francis Fukuyama was a life-long neo-conservative prior to the election of 
the Bush Administration. The Iraq war led him to change his mind. SPIEGEL 
ONLINE spoke to Fukuyama about the US handling of Iraq, the moral 
superiority of America and Europe's dangerous addiction to anti-Americanism.


Some Common, Bad Arguments for the Recent U.S. Policy Towards Iraq

1) The U.S. tried "giving peace a chance," and look where that got us: 9/11.
2) Saddam Hussein, and not American policy, is to blame for all of the 
deaths and suffering stemming from the sanctions.
3) A failure to support the American invasion of Iraq demonstrates a 
contemptible disregard for the welfare of the Iraqi people.
4) Sitting idly by while terrorists prepare to attack America again is not 
an acceptable option; the U.S. government must actively strive to pre-empt 
terrorism before more, perhaps many, many more, Americans are killed.
5) Sure, invading Iraq was a mistake, but now that we’re in there, we’ve 
got to finish the job.


Battle for Baghdad 'has already started'

The battle between Sunni and Shia Muslims for control of Baghdad has 
already started, say Iraqi political leaders who predict fierce street 
fighting will break out as each community takes over districts in which it 
is strongest.


Children Continue To Be Main Victims Of U.S. Occupation

One of the most tragic consequenes of the Iraq war has been its effect on 
children. The war continues to claim them among its main victims, while the 
health of the majority of the population also continues to deteriorate. In 
the 1980s, Iraq had one of the best health care systems in the region. 
Following the 2003 invasion by the coalition forces, an ongoing cycle of 
insurgent violence and occupation forces’ counter-attacks have 
significantly damaged the basic health infrastructure in the country. As a 
result, Iraq’s health system cannot respond to the most basic health needs 
of the population.


The Gruesome Reality of Operation Swarmer

But while the public is fed rosy propaganda, the reality is far more 
gruesome. Take, for example, the operation in Isshaqi, a small village near 
Samarra. At 1:30am on Tuesday, March 21, the American troops, accompanied 
by helicopters , raided the modest rural home of a primary school teacher, 
Faiz Mratt. According to his neighbor Mohammad Al-Majma, the 27-year-old 
school teacher, his wife, their three children, his sister, her three 
children, his father and a woman who was visiting them were all arrested, 
tied, and beaten, and then the American troops opened fire on the family. 
"After they executed them, the troops put explosives in the house and blew 
it up," said Mohammad, crying. "They killed even the farm animals"

Faiz’s surviving sister was devastated. "They killed my mother, Torkiya 
Majid, who was 90 years old," she cried. "They killed Faiz’s three 
children: Hawra, 4, Aysha 2, and Hussam, who was only 4 months old. They 
killed my sister Faiza, who was also a schoolteacher, and her children 
Osama 6, and Asmaa, 5."


Shiite Militias Kill More Iraqis Than "Terrorists"

US Envoy: US Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad said on Saturday, March 25, that 
militias, many with strong ties to powerful Shiite leaders and well 
entrenched in security and police forces, are killing more Iraqis than 
"terrorists," urging Iraqi leaders to rein them in.


Soldier who killed Iraqi girl in 2004 discharged; no criminal charges filed

The Army has discharged without criminal charges a Schofield Barracks 
soldier who was involved in the 2004 killing of a 13-year-old girl and 
wounding of her sister and mother in Iraq.


U.S. soldiers kill two civilians at check point at Al-Ratba

Ahmed al-Kobaisy, a doctor at al-Ratba hospital said the three victims were 
shot at when their car approached the site of a US army base on the road. 
They were admitted to the hospital after which two of them died of their 


2 US occupation soldiers killed

The US military announced that two US soldiers were killed in quote enemy 
action in Iraq's restive western province of Al-Anbar. Another US soldier 
was killed Saturday and another was wounded in a fierce clash with about 20 
fighters in restive southern Afghanistan.


Insurgents Kill 3 Baghdad Police Officers


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Friday, 24 March 2006
    * Four bombs, one car bomb blast US, puppet forces in al-Fallujah 
Friday, followed up by mortar barrage on US headquarters.
    * Death threat leaflets directed at Palestinians circulate in Baghdad 
as US-backed militias follow Zionist plan to turn Jordan into surrogate 
“Palestinian homeland.”  Palestinians insist US responsible for fate of 
refugees in occupied Iraq.
    * Resistance bomb reportedly kills US soldier southwest of Kirkuk 
Friday evening.
    * Ferocious Resistance rocket and mortar assault pummels US base in 
Kirkuk Airport Friday evening.
    * Prompted by US organizations and backed by pro-US Kurdish separatists 
and American Neo-Conservatives, Christian group demands separate “Christian 
region” near Mosul, as American efforts to partition Iraq accelerate and 
    * Resistance bomb blasts Danish patrol north of al-Basrah.


Bush makes the ultimate commitment to Israel

We borrow from our grandkids to give Israel billions every year, some of 
which is used to support illegal colonization of the West Bank by 
fundamentalist extremists; we supply Israel with our most advanced tactical 
aircraft, armor, anti-missile and military communications systems; we wink 
at Israel's development of a substantial nuclear weapons force; we 
leisurely investigate Israeli espionage and influence peddling in Washington.

But we've never said that American soldiers will fight and die for Israel. 
Until now!!!



The following is a leaflet regarding the Hillel letter distributed by some 
students on campus at York University. See Nov 18, 2004 Hillel letter 
below. See also: "The New Israel Lobby in Action" by David Noble- Canadian 
Dimension November/December 2005 Issue at: The essay is also 
titled "Israel Lobby Loses York" elsewhere online.




In 1992, AIPAC Harry Katz phoned the President of AIPAC, David Steiner, to 
offer contributions. Steiner proceeded to make several claims, including 
negotiating with then-candidate Bill Clinton over who would be Secretary of 
State, and had already "cut a deal" with Baker for more aid to Israel.

Unknown to Steiner, Katz taped the phone call and gave the recording to the 
media, worried that AIPAC's influence had grown to dangerous levels.


The Lobby

Why is American policy in the Middle East skewed in favor of Israel?


Israeli Spy Affair

Judge: Charges against AIPAC officials may be unconstitutional:

A federal judge on Friday questioned the constitutionality of a law under 
which two former lobbyists with a pro-Israel group have been charged with 
receiving and disclosing national defense information.


Israel Lobby Dictates U.S. Policy, Study Charges

Based on sources that include Israeli scholars and journalists, 
international human rights organizations, and testimony from the lobby 
itself and politicians that support it, the study examines how the 
pro-Israel lobby built up its influence in Washington and says its 
intimidation of the press, think tanks and academia has led to a deceptive 
picture of Israel.


Alan Dershowitz Exposed: What if a Harvard Student Did This?

In the introduction to The Case for Israel, Professor Alan Dershowitz of 
Harvard Law School asserts that his account is supported by "facts and 
figures, some of which will surprise those who get their information from 
biased sources" (p. 2).  Yet, the evidence Dershowitz adduces will surprise 
no one familiar with the most notorious source of historical bias on the 
Israeli-Palestinian conflict ever published in the English language.  The 
charts below document Dershowitz's wholesale lifting of source material 
from Joan Peters's monumental hoax, From Time Immemorial.  Dershowitz not 
only copies Peters shamelessly, but knowingly does so from a book serious 
scholars have uniformly condemned.  (For details on the Peters hoax, see 
Norman G. Finkelstein, Image and Reality of the Israel-Palestine Conflict, 
and Yehoshua Porath, "Mrs. Peters's Palestine," The New York Review of 
Books, 16 January 1986.)  He is effectively no different from a professor 
lifting sources wholesale from a leading Holocaust revisionist in a book on 
the Holocaust.  On a note both humorous and pathetic, Peters, in From Time 
Immemorial and claiming to be inspired by George Orwell, coins the term 
"turnspeak" to signal the inversion of reality (pp. 173, 402).  Dershowitz, 
apparently confounded by his massive borrowings from Peters, credits the 
term "turnspeak" to Orwell, accusing critics of Israel of "deliberately 
using George Orwell's 'turnspeak'" (p. 57) and "Orwellian turnspeak" (p. 
153).  Is this scandalous scholarship, or is it plagiarism, or is it both?


First Victim Of U.S. Franchised Street Revolutions "Dies" In Custody

Western media describes Milosevic as the Butcher of the Balkans , but what 
about the well established butchers of Falluja , Baghdad , verily , Iraq ( 
and Afghanistan) under the so called 'Operation Iraqi Freedom ',inspired by 
God .


Bush's unilateral agenda

The stances of Moscow and Beijing on Iran are laid down in the joint 
declaration signed by the two countries' leaders last week in Beijing, 
whereby Russia and China "oppose attempts to use the situation around the 
Iranian nuclear program to solve certain political issues on someone's 
unilateral agenda."


Government cracks down on dissent in name of 'anti-terrorism'

Two releases of local law enforcement files in recent days have shed new 
light on just how far the Bush administration, federal, and local law 
enforcement are going to suppress political dissent in the aftermath of 9-11.


A Harvard School Distances Itself from Dean's Paper On Israels Influnce On 
American Foreign Policy

The changes appear to be a sign that the university is distancing itself 
from the document in the face of a furor from faculty members, Jewish 
leaders, and a congressman who say it fails to meet academic standards and 
promotes anti-Semitic myths.


Professor Says American Publisher Turned Him Down

John Mearsheimer says that the pro-Israel lobby is so powerful that he and 
co-author Stephen Walt would never have been able to place their report in 
a American-based scientific publication.


So pro-Israel that it hurts

The new John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt study of "The Israel Lobby and 
U.S. Foreign Policy" should serve as a wake-up call, on both sides of the 
ocean. The most obvious and eye-catching reflection is the fact that it is 
authored by two respected academics and carries the imprimatur of Harvard 
University's Kennedy School of Government.


How to Be a Lobbyist Without Trying

A personal journey into Washington's culture of greed


U.S. Hiring Hong Kong Co. to Scan Nukes

''Li Ka-Shing is pretty close to a lot of senior leaders of the Chinese 
government and the Chinese Communist Party''";


Evidence Mounts That The Vote May Have Been Hacked

When I spoke with Jeff Fisher this morning (Saturday, November 06, 2004), 
the Democratic candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives from 
Florida's 16th District said he was waiting for the FBI to show up. Fisher 
has evidence, he says, not only that the Florida election was hacked, but 
of who hacked it and how. And not just this year, he said, but that these 
same people had previously hacked the Democratic primary race in 2002 so 
that Jeb Bush would not have to run against Janet Reno, who presented a 
real threat to Jeb, but instead against Bill McBride, who Jeb beat.


-muslim voice-

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