In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Robertson: The West is ignoring threats from "Islam in general," just as it
ignored "what Adolf Hitler said in Mein Kampf"

Summary: On The 700 Club, Pat Robertson warned his viewers that "we are not
listening" to what Islam "says," just as we did not listen to "what Adolf
Hitler said in Mein Kampf." Robertson claimed that we are ignoring the
threats by "not only the radical Muslims but Islam in general," because "it
is not politically correct to believe that any religious group would do
what they claim they are going to do."

On the April 24 edition of the Christian Broadcasting Network's (CBN) The
700 Club, host
<>Pat Robertson
warned his viewers that "we are not listening" to what Islam "says," just
as we did not listen to "what Adolf Hitler said in
Kampf." Robertson claimed that we are ignoring the threats by "not only the
radical Muslims but Islam in general," because "it is not politically
correct to believe that any religious group would do what they claim they
are going to do." Robertson's comments came in response to a new videotape
by Osama bin Laden in which he calls for a jihadist movement in Darfur, Sudan.

From the April 24 broadcast of CBN's The 700 Club:

ROBERTSON: CBN's terrorism analyst,
Stakelbeck, is with us now for more on bin Laden's latest statements.
Erick, what's bin Laden's game now?

STAKELBECK: Well, Pat, this is really a call to arms for jihadists around
the world. I look at it as a "State of the Jihad" -- State of the
Union-type address. Right now, one of the interesting things, Pat, is
yesterday in this tape, he directly targeted civilians. Now, in the past,
he said that only Western governments were the targets of the jihad. We
know differently after 9-11, of course, but now he has openly said western
civilians in the U.S. and Europe are targets. They are responsible for
electing these governments, he says, and so now they are targets. Now, I
believe, Pat, that he may be laying the groundwork here to justify an
impending attack against Western civilians.
ROBERTSON: Well, Erick, he's also talking about the jihadists going to
Darfur. Now, the Arab Muslims in Darfur, the Janjaweed, are fighting the
black Muslims in Darfur and trying to eliminate them. It's genocide. Why
would bin Laden want his people to go into Darfur?

STAKELBECK: Well, Pat, Sudan is someplace that's near and dear to bin
Laden's heart. He is kind of a local hero there. Let's remember the
Sudanese government gave him shelter and safe harbor in the early part of
the 1990s, before he moved on to Afghanistan. Now, he ran jihadist camps
there; he recruited terrorists there; he planned terrorist attacks against
the West, all from Sudan. And, Pat, he even was a business leader in Sudan.
He owned 35 companies in Sudan and employed over 4,000 Sudanese. So he's
kind of a local legend there, and he still has a vested interest there.
ROBERTSON: Well, the other thing is Hamas has now said, "Our goals, and the
goals of bin Laden and his followers are not the same." Is that just a
smokescreen? Does he really want to come in and help Hamas and move in Gaza
against Israel.

STAKELBECK: He absolutely does, Pat. You know, Hamas leaders have to say
that publicly. They are afraid of getting more funding cut from the
international community. Privately, it's obviously a separate matter. But
let's remember, Pat, the destruction of Israel is the third and final part
of a three-stage plan for Al Qaeda. Now, number one is to win in Iraq, win
the jihad there, turn it into a terrorist state. The second stage is to
move that jihad in neighboring countries like Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt.
And the third and final stage is to use the combined forces of Islam to
destroy Israel once and for all.
ROBERTSON: Erick Stakelbeck, thank you very much. And, ladies and
gentlemen, if we had listened to what Adolf Hitler said in Mein Kampf, the
West might have been prepared, and World War II would have been averted. We
are not listening to what these guys say. We are not listening to what not
only the radical Muslims but Islam in general, we're not listening to what
it says. And we don't believe it, because we say, "Well, it isn't
politically correct to believe that any religious group would do what they
claim they are going to do." Well, you'd better believe them, and we'd
better be prepared.




-muslim voice-

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