In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Pat Robertson claimed that Islam "at its core, teaches violence"

On the July 14 edition of the Christian Broadcasting Network's The 700
Club, host Pat Robertson, founder of the
<>Christian Coalition of
America, blurred the distinction between radical Islamists and the Muslim
community at large, claiming that Islam instructs its followers to commit
acts of terrorism:

ROBERTSON: Don't you feel it rather interesting that every time you have a
story about terrorism, it is linked to Muslim extremists? You don't hear
somebody, "Christian extremist killing film producers, Christian extremists
blowing up trains." It just doesn't happen. But it's Muslim extremists and,
ladies and gentlemen, Islam, at least at its core, teaches violence. It's
there in the Quran in clear, bold statements. Well over 100 verses dealing
with violence against infidels, and that is what they're taught. They're
also taught to sacrifice themselves in jihad against infidels to gain
paradise. It is part of the teaching of that faith. And I know people so
reluctant to say, "Lets not identify those terrorists with these wonderful
people." Well, yes, they may be wonderful people, but this is what that
faith teaches, and those who believe it sincerely in their hearts are those
that think Osama bin Laden is their great hero. And I think we need to
recognize that. Political correctness says that you're not supposed to
recognize this, but it just happens to be the truth. Every story, you see
it over and over again, Muslim extremists blew up trains, Muslim extremists
assassinated film producers. Muslim extremists blew up a crowded shopping
center in Netanya [Israel]. Muslim extremists, it's always Muslims, and
that's where it comes from, it's the breeding ground. And then it's radical
clerics who incite this kind of violence, and it's time we recognize it and
begin to deal with it.



-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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