On 03/19/10 16:11, ext Adrian Yanes wrote:
"We will have a binary section in the meego repos for drivers and
componets  which can not be open source"

Nice phrase, can you explain the reasons, please?

Phrase is partly incorrect. We will not have binary kernel drivers.

Reason for closed/binary components ? There are components like 3D graphics acceleration libs which are closed. As said, this is something that we can not do anything in the short term. This is the case also in N900 maemo repos. If developers wants to use those components they should be available in the repos, right ?




On 19 March 2010 14:56, Poussa Sakari<sakari.pou...@nokia.com>  wrote:
On 03/19/10 13:07, ext Jean-Christian de Rivaz wrote:

This left open the question of how the non open-source parts will be
added on top of this stack. For example if someone create a modified
version of the open source stack, how it can add the non open source
parts from others parties ?

We will have a binary section in the meego repos for drivers and componets
which can not be open source. Also the header files should be available so
people can do their chages and still build new images.

Binaries are unfortunate but reality which we can not do much in the short

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