On 03/19/10 17:10, ext Jean-Christian de Rivaz wrote:
Poussa Sakari a écrit :
We will not start adding these type of components to MeeGo closed/binary
section. All Nokia components that used to be closed are either not
going to be there or will be opened. That is the intent and plan.

What is the exact signification of "not going to be there" in your
phrase ? I see some possibles interpretations:

Sorry, I can't be any more exact at this point. If that is not enough you'll have to wait a little bit until all the details are sorted out.


1) There will never be any closed part form Nokia or any others parties
into the repository *and* there will never be any closed part form Nokia
or any others parties into the N900 based on Meego as sold by Nokia to

2) There will never be any closed part from Nokia or any others parties
into the repository, *but* the N900 based on Meego as sold by Nokia to
consumers will contain closed parts from Nokia or others parties.

3) There will be some closed parts from Nokia or any others parties into
the repository, *but* the N900 based on Meego as sold by Nokia to
consumers will contain *others* closed parts from Nokia or others parties.


Jean-Christian de Rivaz

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