> If you're factoring numbers in the 11650000-11660000 (bit) range, the first factor 
>could be anywhere in the root(11650000) - root(11660000) range i.e.  3413 - 3414 bits 
>long !!

No, in the x-y bit range (remember that n bit integers are about 2^n) the
first factor could be x/2 to y/2 bits long (powers of a power multiply).

> I'd have thought your odds of finding a factor are a lot smaller than 12 / 64 - 
>probably closer to 12/3361 - and that's only if we pretend that the power series 2^n 
>is a linear series he he he.

see http://www.utm.edu/research/primes/glossary/MertensTheorem.html

> Ala UBASIC, I estimate your real odds might be 4096 /  
> [...]

Abreviate!  Use scientific notation...

> Sorry to be the Grim Reaper, but I've spent months with UBASIC eliminating factors 
>in the 32,000,000 to 48,000,000 range - I'm only on about 24% eliminated using 
>multiples 2pk+1 where k is 1 to 2^16 - and there's no doubt that the density of 
>factors decreases as the multiplier increases. Finding the first few % is easy - 
>finding the last 1% might take forever !!

Why are you only setting k==1 mod 2^16?
(I'm probably missing something obvious)

I think under windows that dos windows only run when they are "up".
(I could be wrong, I've stopped using windows again)
You would probably get better results with Will Edgington's mersfacgmp
program, and DJGPP (a port of g++ to dos).

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