On 14 Nov 2001, at 21:27, Nathan Russell wrote:

> For better or for worse (I think for better - it should attract a few
> searchers) the new Mersenne report has made it to the popular
> technical/open-source/geek news site Slashdot.

Indeed. Downloads of Mersenne-related software from my anon ftp 
server are currently running at least 10x higher than normal. (So 
are attempts to misuse the server - it has been explicitly configured 
to reject "port bouncing" to a third party address - I'm not operating 
an anonymising service!)

> [ ... snip ...]
> -"The Primenet list has confirmed that while they still need to
> totally test it out (which should be done by the 24th), they believe
> that the number found today is the 39th positive." (To my knowledge,
> only George has directly stated that he views the result to be
> correct.  While I don't question his word, even if he is correct, the
> odds are in favor - but not *grossly* in favor - of the new prime
> being the 39th Mersenne - NOT the 39th prime, which is similiar to an
> error made in one of Cray's press releases IIRC)

The chance of a false zero residual after precisely (n-2) iterations 
due to hardware glitches or "random" software errors are surely 
only 1 in (2^n-1). If a zero residual is _genuinely computed_ then 
surely the chances are very, very, very high that a Mersenne prime 
has been discovered.

Conversely, and assuming that the probability of any single LL test 
being affected by a hardware glitch or data-value-independent 
software error is 0.01 (which is probably a low estimate), the 
probablity of two runs both going wrong independently and yet 
returning the same _64 bit_ residual is 1 in 10000 * 2^64. This is 
the approximate probability that a Mersenne prime will be missed 
_despite_ the double-checking procedure; it is of course very 
small, but is absolutely COLOSSAL compared with the probability 
of a false discovery _without_ verification.

Verification is still, of course, neccessary in order to eliminate the 
possibility of a systematic error (in program or hardware); also, and 
probably most importantly, to eliminate absolutely the chance of a 
"forged" discovery.

BTW there are a large number of small exponents (almost all under 
1 million) for which there aren't even two matching 64 bit residuals - 
early programs often reported residuals to 16 bits, in some cases 
even less. For this reason I'm selectively triple checking these 
cases, using old systems which are too slow and/or too memory 
limited to be useful for anything else. I most certainly do _not_ 
expect to find any missed primes! If anyone wishes to assist in the 
task of cleaning up this anomaly in the database, please contact 
me privately.

As to the chance of the newly discovered unverified number being 
_numerically_ the 39th Mersenne prime (as opposed to the order of 
discovery), surely the announcement that it is "probably" M39 has 
to wait until all smaller exponents have been LL tested once, and 
not confirmed until double-checking passes that exponent.

Brian Beesley
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