"John R Pierce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes

- > Can anyone come?  Announce it on the list if you do it.
- > Where abouts are they held?
--  I will if I can.  Depends on the date and family conflicts and where in the
- rather sprawling SFBA it is... I'm in Santa Cruz, so naturally would prefer
- points towards the south end of the Bay Area...

       The Western Number Theory Conference 


meets in Monterey (acutally Asilomar) Sunday-Thursday December 16-20.  
It is four weeks away, so some out-of-town attendees may not 
have bought air tickets yet and might be able to 
stop between the SFO/OAK/SJC airports and Monterey.

    If the Mersenne gathering is in Silicon Valley around 4 pm on Thursday 
December 20, then attendees will have time to get from Monterey to 
the event, and still have time to get to SFO two hours before
a red-eye flight to the east coast.  The meeting location will need storage 
for luggage.

    If the gathering is in the Santa Cruz/Monterey area, it should be the
afternoon of Tuesday December 18, which is a free period for conference 
attendees.  Point Lobos and the Monterey Aquarium are the most common
destinations on these afternoons.

    I reside in Marin County, north of San Francisco.  I rarely attend
evening (as opposed to multi-day) events in Silicon Valley, since it
is too hard to get home after the last evening commute buses leave 
San Francisco.  Plus, if I eat near Mountain View, I'll need to use the
toilet when I reach San Francisco, but the Transbay Terminal toilets
are closed at night.

       Peter Montgomery
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