I wanted to get the names of the groups on a card but not all the groups -
is there an easy way to do this? These functions work, but as I want objects
to send messages to other objects at the same level when the stack is
resized I don't really want this to be too slow. Is there a faster way?

function mySisters someObject
 put allMyGroups(the name of the owner of someObject) into
 put empty into sisterGroups
 repeat with groupNum = 1 to the number of lines of sisterGroupsAndMore
   put line groupNum of sisterGroupsAndMore into testGroup
   if numberOfWords(testGroup, "group") = 2 then put testGroup & return
after sisterGroups
 end repeat
 delete last char of sisterGroups
 return sisterGroups
end mySisters

function allMyGroups someObject
 if someObject is empty then put the name of the target into someObject
 put the number of groups of someObject into allNestedGroupNum
 put empty into myGroups
 repeat with groupNum = 1 to allNestedGroupNum
   put the long name of group groupNum of someObject into someGroupName
   put someGroupName & return after myGroups
 end repeat
 delete last char of myGroups
 return myGroups
end allMyGroups 

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