If they test it it is to make *sure* that #1 it's a meteorite. #2 to see if it is a match to any other meteorite (Like Campo). They will be able to tell easily if it is. The pros on the meteorite list know their stuff. We've seen a LOT of scams over the years. Just offering a little insight here. Don't be so offended.

Have a good holiday!


On 07/03/2016 02:33 AM, John Pierce via Meteorite-list wrote:
What an interesting few responses. You all certainly know a gazillion times more about meteorites and about meteorite scams than I know. Of these things I know almost nothing, though I do certainly appreciate that many parts (if not all) of the internet are rife with scams. I'm sorry that you have so much anger about it.

But I can't help but wonder why, if it is so obvious that I'm perpetrating a scam, would the staff at PSU's Cascade Meteorite Lab, (who have had this meteorite in hand), not voiced this concern? They actually examined the rock in person - not just by way of a low res digital photo. Why would they have been certain enough to have promised to move the classification of this meteorite to the very top of their already long queue? They may be underfunded, but they sure didn't strike me as dumb. I can't help but presume they can ID a Campo as readily as you. Do you think they are ignorant? I guess you can presume that I'm also being deceptive about my contact with them.

I really don't know the answer to that riddle. It is only on the basis of their authority that I can even claim to know that this is a real meteorite. I will call them again on Tuesday to ask their thoughts on this matter of a Campo scams. They don't seem to mind at all for me to "waste their time".

I've never had any connection with law enforcement, although I have no idea what you think that might imply. (Are law enforcement people often untrustworthy?) I've always been obscure, and I will always probably BE obscure. I'm just one of the obscure masses. So there is no "drifting back" into obscurity needed. But I also sure don't need validation from your group..

I don't think you can find any link to me by Google search my name. But since you apparently were curious, you can see my short and non-special biography by going to and searching the call sign K7KEY. I'm obscure, but I also have nothing to hide.

But my post here has not been fruitless. I've received a good number of very considerate direct replies from others offering useful advice and information.

My regret now is that it appears that it would have been MUCH better to have asked about cutting an iron meteorite in the abstract. I was foolish not to think of this, and I now realize that the excitement of my discovery clouded my judgement.

Happy Independence Day to all in the U.S.!


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