11/11/2005 11:07:49 PM Mexico Standard Time, ncaliva escribe:

Hi everyone I'm new but have been watching for a month or so. Which way is  
right for meteorites oriented or orientated?
Hola NCALIVA, Welcome to the crowd!
We actually had some posts about this in the past - you can search the  
archives to see them accessed from the meteoritecentral.com page, or better  
yet a 
site search on google for the word orientated meteorite.
There was no firm conclusion the way I remember, though there were some  
strong opinions that thought orientated was a bastardization of the word  
orientation, and that oriented was proper.  Why make words longer than you  
too...unless you have a special rational.  So oriented would be the  first 
At least that was the majority opinion.  Hope that  helps!
Saludos, Doug
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