On Fri, 1 Dec 2006 11:43:11 -0500, you wrote:

>Darren Garrison wrote:
>     >I have an inordinate fondness of
>     >Flexicalymene sp. trilobites from
>     >around Ohio--I have dozens of them.
>Hello Darren,
>One of the neatest specimens I once had in my trilobite collection was a
>pair of Flexicalymene meeki trilobites from Ohio in a configuration
>known to collectors as "love bugs".  If you have Ohio collector Thomas
>Johnson's book "Trilobites of the Thomas T. Johnson Collection", there's
>an excellent example on page 110.  I'm sure you've seen the
>configuration: a completely enrolled Flexicalymene with another
>Flexicalymene wrapped around it.  Just by coincidence, there's an

Yes, I've seen some great examples of those crop up on Ebay from time to time
over the years.  Bidding for them has always reached the "too rich for my blood"
range, though.  The pair on Ebay now you linked to I wouldn't really count as
"love bugs"-- at least, the aren't nearly as tighlty wrapped as the best ones
that I've seen.  As for buying that set, I already have what is known
technically in the collecting community as "too damn many" of them:

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