I enjoy ads. Ads are the life blood of the meteorite world. Ads are 
educational. If people were not making money there would be so much less 
motivation to scour the world at their own expense. We'd have to depend on the 
sorry few, institutionalized characters, that would have us believe that they 
are the custodians of all things meteoric as they do nothing. Much like 
archaeologists that insist amateurs can't be sanctioned to excavate in front of 
the bulldosers.
Ads are beautiful, once a week.
GeoZ. I'm surprised at your take on this. I've never seen a rule breaker 
survive over at meteorobs.

> From: carloselgua...@hotmail.com
> To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> Date: Fri, 1 May 2009 13:03:04 -0700
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] ONE AD PER WEEK I have an idea!
> I may be in the silent majority or minority but I actually enjoy going thru 
> each AD on this list. No matter if it's the same seller with ADS several 
> times a week. I've picked up quite a few deals offered. Perhaps it's because 
> I'm so new in collecting meteorites that it's fun to get new pieces vs. the 
> older collectors that already have everything and is tired of hearing about 
> it. Thanks!
> Carl
> PS. I hope you all don't kill me if there is a sudden deluge of ADs all of a 
> sudden!
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