On Mon, 25 Jan 2010 16:42:18 -0500 (EST), you wrote:

>Hello List,
>Here's a fellow who must stay so far back in his laboratory at AU that they 
>mail him daylight.
>Professor Paul Davies, purported to be a physicist, has "alien life" sitting 
>in the meteorite collection down the hall from him...so to speak..and he makes 
>this idiotic pronouncement. All he accomplished was to show his ignorance of 
>the current science and provide fodder for the argument against tenure.

The idea isn't that outrageous (or that non-mainstream.)  We don't know if
non-protien/nucleic acid life exists on Earth or not.  It may be a very long
shot, but if someone is willing and able to devote their time and resources to
searching, more power to them.



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