Hi Adam,

Good point and I had not considered that.  It does seem like more than
half of the Antarctics in the Bulletin weigh less than 2-5 grams.
Some weigh less than 1g.

I think we need to make sure that all NWA meteorites get their fair
due and receive individual classification.  What reputable scientist
will now step forward and agree to classify (pro bono) one million
sandblasted H5/W4 fragments?  Any volunteers?  Ted?  Alan?  Tony?  ;)

I also agree that, hands down, the Sahara has produced far more rare
types and planetaries than Antarctica.  But, Antarctica still claims
the Holy Grail (to some) of meteorites - ALH84001.

I'm glad I posted this little contest today, it has resulted in some
knowledge gain.  :)

Best regards,


Galactic Stone & Ironworks - Meteorites & Amber (Michael Gilmer)

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On 5/24/11, Adam Hupe <raremeteori...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> As far as Antarctic finds go, the numbers are skewed and biased.  Every
> fragment
> is counted as a find.   The finds from Antarctica are only a fraction of
> what
> they once were. Pretty soon, it won't be cost effective to work this area.
> If
> they counted the number of meteorites from Northwest Africa the same way,
> then
> there would easily be over one million pieces. There must be over 100,000
> pieces
> of NWA 869 alone!  The Sahara Desert is by far the most productive meteorite
> producing region in the world, second to none!  More weight and rare
> specimens
> have come from this area by far.
> Best Regards,
> Adam
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