Fred Wright wrote:

>On Sat, 18 Mar 2000, Jeffrey E. Harris wrote:

>> To use Aweb at 256 colors at Super Hi-Res Interlaced (with an A1200
>> accelerated 68030 and FPU), I had to step down my port speed to 38400.
>> That was the fastest I could set it, and have it work reliably.

>That was also my experience with 1 16-color ECS screen.  57.6K is usually
>reliable with lesser screenmodes, and even 76.8K is usually OK although
>not all modems support it.  115.2K ssems to asymptotically approach
>usability as various improvements are made, never quite getting there.

I must be doing something wrong in my lazyness.  I just bought a courier
v-everything, ran through an old miami script and found no 56k courier listed
so I just left the init "generic" and the modem seems to work OK with
usual initial connects at 49333 and the port on my IO-Extender at 115 K.

Am I missing anything?  I'm quite happy with what I've got so far so was
unwilling to mess with it under the theory, if it aint' broke.....




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