On Apr 19, 2006, at 4:32 PM, Ryan King wrote:

<div class="vcard">
    <span class="fn">Tantek Çelik</span>
    <span class="agent vcard">
<!-- the order is actually irrelevant here class="vcard agent" is synonymous -->
       <span class="fn">Ryan King</span>

Which hcard does the 'agent' belong to?

If we were determining belonging with a nearest-parent algorithm that started with self,

We're *not* using nearest-parent here. We're parsing top down.

Isn't that just the same thing with a different name? Whichever direction you're parsing, you know which vcard a property belongs to by looking at the closest vcard in the hierarchy. What I'm asking is: why isn't the self considered the closest?

On Apr 19, 2006, at 4:17 PM, Tantek Çelik wrote:

Things are working as-is, the risk of change is high, and the reward is low. Unless you have a serious objection, I'd like to consider this proposal
rejected and move on.

People continue to ask the same question over and over and the answer doesn't make any sense to me (nor, apparently, David). I'm not asking for a change in the spec. I'm asking for an explanation of the spec, so that I will know what to say when I'm suggesting someone use microformats and they ask me the same question. I can't honestly say "it's ambiguous" because it doesn't look ambiguous to me. I know very clearly which vcard that agent belongs to, and I know how to tell a machine which it belongs to. What I don't know is why I shouldn't be doing that.

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