On 4/23/07, Paul Wilkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
For the purposes of discussion, a more generic version of this is

<div class="vcard">
 <span class="n">
  <span class="honorific-prefix">The Rt Hon</span>
  <span class="fn">Tony Blair</span>
  <span class="honorific-suffix">MP</span>

An update may be required, where then fn is looked for first, and parsed out
into appropriate n fields, then after that the n fields are updated from the
remaining information.

--- well, this a tricky situation because the author has been MORE
explicit with the use of the N property. We can happily pick apart
things from FN when N is not present, but when the author expresses
deeper semantics IMHO i don't think we should be implying any
additional information, unless there is a very good reason.

In this situation there are two possibilities.
1) drop the N all together
- you lose the extracting of the prefixes and suffixes, but get the
FN->N correct
2) add an additional class of 'family-name' to the class="fn"
- this will incorrectly put the WHOLE FN value in the N's family name field

as with everything, there are trade-offs. Microformats are only ment
to cover the 80% not 100% of extreme edge cases.


brian suda
microformats-discuss mailing list

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