In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Ben Ward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes

On 28 Sep 2007, at 13:03, Andy Mabbett wrote:

Then we run the risk of allowing the "higher level" microformats to de-facto define the "lower -level", (As hAudio is doing with currency); effectively outside the "process".

I mean: If Listing was to not only specify a place for ‘price’ but also to identify the ‘currency’ of that price, that would be wrong in my view and would be encroaching on work that I totally agree should be done on a dedicated format.

I referred to hAudio, not hListing, which is doing just that.

I'm all for trying to revive development of the other formats. Definitely a Good Thing. But I don't think it should be blocker on Recipe in the event that it developed sooner.

I didn't suggest that anything be blocked; I just recommended the way in which we should focus our efforts.

Andy Mabbett

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