Op 04-04-17 om 02:26 schreef Thorsten Glaser:
> That’s no excuse… pdksh does simple search for a matching )
> in command substitutions, failing $(case x in y) ;; esac ).

Yeah, I've run into that. It even parses quote marks in comments within
command substitutions, requiring them to be balanced (so an "it's" in a
comment would cause a syntax error pinpointed twelve zillion lines
further on). bash 2 did the same thing. So did ksh88, I'm pretty sure...

> I think “we” agreed somewhere (maybe here, maybe in IRC, maybe
> on the Austin ML) that doing weird things to the shell syntax
> with aliases need not really be supported. So, please, do tell
> me whether you *really* have a *legit* use case for… that.

Define "legit" and "weird" (and explain how they're mutually exclusive). ;-)

What I'm doing is this:

So no, this does not really need to be supported in command
substitutions or any other subshells. But I do report every little
oddity I find, sometimes they're indicative of bugs.

- M.

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