Seb dixit:

>It seems the R55 new alias definition policy prevents some
>commands from being find in the PATH:
>Even if it seems the dot is in the POSIX Portable Character Set
>and should hence be allowed, I think an illegaly defined alias
>should however not stop further searching.

The bugreport is correct, the analysis isn’t.

① “hash” does NOT find things in the PATH, it manages the list
  of “tracked aliases”
② “whence” finds things in the PATH

tg@blau:~ $ hash python
tg@blau:~ $ hash python2.5
/bin/mksh: alias: python2.5: invalid alias name
1|tg@blau:~ $ whence python
tg@blau:~ $ whence python2.5

③ The things “hash” (“alias -t”) and “alias -d” manage are not
  aliases, so simply the naming restrictions must not apply to
  them. This is what I committed as fix.

Thanks for reporting!

“It is inappropriate to require that a time represented as
 seconds since the Epoch precisely represent the number of
 seconds between the referenced time and the Epoch.”
        -- IEEE Std 1003.1b-1993 (POSIX) Section B.2.2.2

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