Stuart Henderson wrote:

--On 26 October 2005 08:21 -0500, James Harless wrote:

I do have variables that are known (the sender email address and the
recipient email address).  The problem is tying them to the IP Address
of the MTA when it's seen @ spamd.  It may be that there isn't a
solution without direct modification of spamd.

By design, spamd can't do this. It neither accepts mail itself, nor proxies to the real backend server. It always sends a tempfail result code, and if it's the second time it's seen client_ip|src|dest, it adds to a table at the same time, so that on the third attempt the real mailserver is hit instead.

I definitely won't be disabling spamd ;)

The type of functionality you're looking for needs something with hooks directly into the mail server itself, there's no way with spamd to avoid delaying a connection unless you /already/ know the IP address. Maybe milter-greylist or postgrey already do what you're looking for, or if not they'll likely be easier to adapt.

Not to venture off topic, but it's at this point that I would suggest you look at qpsmtpd ( for your anti-spam needs. It's an SMTP server written entirely in perl and is incredibly extensible (easy to do so as well.) It's nice and speedy: and receive all of their mail through it. It can tie into Postfix and qmail, and there is an experimental SMTP proxy function as well. I hope to getting around to creating an interface to sendmail as well. Its connections can be managed by an internal polling server (using epoll or kqueue under linux/bsd if available), a forkserver model, tcpserver (with speedy-cgi/pperl/forkserver), or apache2 (via mod_perl). It is my current perl love, and I would highly recommend at least a peek at it.

For a quick summary by one of the main developers, see:

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