Okay I feel that a flame war might be afoot but to put another log on the
fire; is Calomel not trustworthy in the "read and do alike not copying
straight from" kind of way? I have used the guides for instance about the
PF and DNS. And that server has now been working fine for ages (2 years

Perhaps a resource of howtos/FAQ can be created since OpenBSD does not
change to much between releases? Or is that not interesting either?

Regards Joakim

On Thu, Jul 26, 2012 at 7:20 AM, Bernd <be...@kroenchenstadt.de> wrote:

> On 07/26/2012 06:55 AM, thus Shaka NKofo spake:
>  I'm new to Open BSD but no stranger to *nix OSs. My question here is
>> simple. I have been reading the man pages and documentation and have
>> installed and setup a 5.1 box on my lan. Now after understanding its
>> basic inner workings I wish to put it to heavy and good use.
>> All I'm asking is that is it advisable to use some of the tutorials
>> found on https://calomel.org/ as a sort of map to setup basic services
>> like DNS and pf?
>> I'm used to learning tech from scratch and mastering then using it but
>> my work load is punishing and I would like to clean up DNS on my lan
>> since the devices are just adding up too fast...
>> Please I would appreciate your individual approaches and viewpoints on
>> this matter.
>> Thanks
>> Shaka
> *fetching popcorn

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