after seeing a post here using CIDR, I re-read some manual pages.
I have been using aliases, but it looks like using CIDR is the preferred
Could someone explain that a little better than the manual pages do?
An example might help better to explain why aliases are used when
changing network numbers. Is it a short term fix?
Is there a downside to using aliases vs CIDR?

My other question is what to put for the address.
I have Should I just put this?
113 is the gateway. What is 112? It doesn't ping.
113 pings even if the rest is inaccessible.
There was a mysterious problem that I had to get tech support to fix.
Signal not present. Whatever that meant.

This is a cheap clearance bare metal, so IPMI/KVM is Java based and I
can't work with that. I have an old version of OpenBSD that worked
somewhere for that, but it doesn't work here.
So I don't want to have tech support login.

I know, simple questions, but my search engine skills really don't work.

Chris Bennett

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