Hello, all;

I've been having some issues getting bgpd to announce IPv6 routes,
apologies for the dumb question in advance.

I've setup rad(8) and bgpd(8) on an OpenBSD machine. bgpd(8) is
sending routes over to some neighbors (routes such as
fd80::fce1:baff:fea6:bf3a) while rad(8) is sending prefix information
for hosts to auto assign themselves some address (such as
2620:ba:6000:3:21db:f1bb:8ad9:21d6). Below is my routing table just for

Routing tables

Destination                                 Gateway
             Flags   Refs      Use   Mtu  Prio Iface
::/96                                       ::1
             UGRS       0        0 32768     8 lo0
::1                                         ::1
             UHhl      11     6049 32768     1 lo0
::ffff:                           ::1
             UGRS       0        0 32768     8 lo0
2002::/24                                   ::1
             UGRS       0        0 32768     8 lo0
2002:7f00::/24                              ::1
             UGRS       0        0 32768     8 lo0
2002:e000::/20                              ::1
             UGRS       0        0 32768     8 lo0
2002:ff00::/24                              ::1
             UGRS       0        0 32768     8 lo0
2620:ba:6000:3:21db:f1bb:8ad9:21d6          56:af:97:0f:66:6e
             UHL        0       29     -     4 vport0
2620:ba:6000:3:58d2:48ff:fee6:270a          56:af:97:0f:66:6e
             UHL        0       12     -     4 vport0
2620:ba:6000:3:6390:a68d:985b:167e          56:af:97:0f:66:6e
             UHL        0        2     -     4 vport0
2620:ba:6000:3:fbc7:2dc3:5415:472f          56:af:97:0f:66:6e
             UHL        0        2     -     4 vport0
fd80::/64                                   fd80::fce1:baff:fe6e:d685
             UCn        2        0     -     4 wg0
fd80::fce1:baff:fe6e:d685                   wg0
             UHl        0    53176     -     1 wg0
fd80::fce1:baff:fea6:bf3a                   link#0
             UHc        0    18780     -     3 wg0
fd80::fce1:baff:fed1:1740                   link#0
             UHc        0    17267     -     3 wg0
fe80::/10                                   ::1
             UGRS       0        2 32768     8 lo0
fec0::/10                                   ::1
             UGRS       0        0 32768     8 lo0
fe80::1%lo0                                 fe80::1%lo0
             UHl        0        0 32768     1 lo0
fe80::fce1:baff:fed0:1651%vport0        UCn        6       13     -
 4 vport0
fe80::f2:ef53:e182:f2b9%vport0              ca:17:26:5a:6c:4c
             UHLc       0       55     -     3 vport0
fe80::c9c:cf47:45fd:c478%vport0             6c:7e:67:ba:f4:bf
             UHLc       0       60     -     3 vport0
fe80::102e:8ee8:1221:17cd%vport0            32:b3:c9:b3:5b:da
             UHLc       0       47     -     3 vport0
fe80::1425:7ad2:8b72:50ae%vport0            00:e0:4c:6a:01:c7
             UHLc       0       62     -     3 vport0
fe80::14d2:ffbf:d222:2a3c%vport0            56:af:97:0f:66:6e
             UHLc       0      144     -     3 vport0
fe80::58d2:48ff:fee6:270a%vport0            56:af:97:0f:66:6e
             UHLc       0       75     -     3 vport0
fe80::fce1:baff:fed0:1651%vport0            fe:e1:ba:d0:16:51
             UHLl       0      147     -     1 vport0
fe80::1efd:8ff:fe7e:6b38%mgre0          UCn        0        0     -
 4 mgre0
fe80::1efd:8ff:fe7e:6b38%mgre0              mgre0
             UHl        0       74     -     1 mgre0
fe80::9ab7:85ff:fe00:3726%mgre0             fd80::fce1:baff:fea6:bf3a
             UHS        0  2398949     -     8 mgre0
fe80::9ab7:85ff:fe00:3727%mgre0             fd80::fce1:baff:fed1:1740
             UHS        0   556106     -     8 mgre0

bgpd(8) is configued to advertise all connected and static routes,
however bgpd(8) only advertises routes that are connected to the wg0
interface and none that are connected on the vport0 interface. Below is
the output of `bgpctl show fib connected inet6` for reference.

flags prio destination                      gateway
C        1 ::1/128                          link#8
C        4 fd80::/64                        link#11
C        1 fd80::fce1:baff:fe6e:d685/128    link#11
C        3 fd80::fce1:baff:fea6:bf3a/128    link#11
C        3 fd80::fce1:baff:fed1:1740/128    link#11
C        4 fe80::%vport0/64                 link#10
C        4 fe80::%mgre0/64                  link#12
C        1 fe80::1%lo0/128                  link#8
CN       1 fe80::1efd:8ff:fe7e:6b38%mgre0/128 link#12
C        8 fe80::9ab7:85ff:fe00:3726%mgre0/128 link#12
C        8 fe80::9ab7:85ff:fe00:3727%mgre0/128 link#12
C        4 ff01::%lo0/32                    link#8
C        4 ff01::%vport0/32                 link#10
C        4 ff01::%wg0/32                    link#11
C        4 ff01::%mgre0/32                  link#12
C        4 ff02::%lo0/32                    link#8
C        4 ff02::%vport0/32                 link#10
C        4 ff02::%wg0/32                    link#11
C        4 ff02::%mgre0/32                  link#12

As far as I can tell bgpd(8) is configured correctly, and there are no
anomalies when it comes to routes. Below is a sample of my bgpd(8)
configuration for reference.

AS 10261

neighbor fe80::9ab7:85ff:fe00:3726%mgre0 {
        remote-as 10261
neighbor fe80::9ab7:85ff:fe00:3727%mgre0 {
        remote-as 10261

network inet6 priority 4
network inet6 connected
network inet6 static

allow from ibgp
allow to ibgp set { nexthop fe80::1efd:8ff:fe7e:6b38%mgre0 prepend-self 1 }

Am I missing something? Am I making some assumption when it comes to how
bgpd(8) works with IPv6 addresses? Thank you in advance.

Ben Raskin

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