> Noticed that 4.0 release (fresh install) seems to be missing a couple
> of man pages that exist in both 3.9 and 'current'.
> $ uname -a
> OpenBSD hostname.domainname.com 4.0 GENERIC#1107 i386
> $ man vpn
> man: no entry for vpn in the manual.
> Went thru the list of the "See Also" man pages listed under both 3.9
> and 'current', and found another that also doesn't exist for some
> reason.
> $ man ipsecadm
> man: no entry for ipsecadm in the manual.
> Hadn't seen anything referencing this on the web site or on [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> No big deal, just curious why these are missing on the 4.0 release.
> Was this simply an oversight, or is there "we left this out for a
> reason; we don't think you should use these items under 4.0" logic
> behind this?

ipsecadm has been replaced with a whole new mechanism for ipsec

        man ipsecctl

Try it.  You will see that it is way better.

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