On Wed, Oct 10, 2007 at 12:34:48PM -0500, Robert C Wittig wrote:
| If you had to choose between, say, 2 gig RAM and a 32 bit CPU, or 1 gig
| RAM and a 64 bit CPU, which would be a better choice, in general?

There is no such generalization. The amount of RAM you need depends on
the task. For firewalling, you don't need lots. For a high-traffic,
caching webserver you do need much.

If, in general, you are firewalling .. you won't need much RAM. If, in
general, you are doing something else, you might need it. Like I said
in my previous mail, there is no short answer. No quick solution.
Everything has advantages and disadvantages. In some cases you may not
even want to run OpenBSD (*shock* !).

In general, you should look at the specific problem at hand and solve
it with the means available.


Paul 'WEiRD' de Weerd


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