
this is a fujitsu siemens amilo 1425M; dmesg can be read here

www.aei.mpg.de/~pau/dmesg_FJS_Amilo1425.txt (OpenBSD 4.2, installed
today from CD)

ok... I changed apmd flags to apmd_flags="" because I noticed that
when I close the lid, the "suspend" light blinks and the screen gets
black and so remains it until I press again the power bottom. I hoped
that, maybe, the laptop could suspend via apm.

But the result is different. Closing the lid yields the same result,
but if I type apm -S or zzz, the laptop will die in a "millifraction"
of second. I press enter and almost immediately PUF! the whole laptop
is powered off; I mean _everything_ Not even the light "charging"
(plugged) is on (even if it's plugged, of course)

Is there any hope that this laptop suspends? I'm just asking
because... sigh... suspending under OpenBSD is my "dream"...



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