* Pau Amaro-Seoane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-11-02 00:15:08]:

> Hi,
> this is a fujitsu siemens amilo 1425M; dmesg can be read here
> www.aei.mpg.de/~pau/dmesg_FJS_Amilo1425.txt (OpenBSD 4.2, installed
> today from CD)
> ok... I changed apmd flags to apmd_flags="" because I noticed that
> when I close the lid, the "suspend" light blinks and the screen gets
> black and so remains it until I press again the power bottom. I hoped
> that, maybe, the laptop could suspend via apm.
> But the result is different. Closing the lid yields the same result,
> but if I type apm -S or zzz, the laptop will die in a "millifraction"
> of second. I press enter and almost immediately PUF! the whole laptop
> is powered off; I mean _everything_ Not even the light "charging"
> (plugged) is on (even if it's plugged, of course)
> Is there any hope that this laptop suspends? I'm just asking
> because... sigh... suspending under OpenBSD is my "dream"...
> cheers,
> Pau

Suspend-to-whatever is not something you should spend too much time
worrying about.  It's likely not going to work.  Causes: 
Buggy BIOS.
Poor design of APM/ACPI.
Poor implementation of the aforementioned.
Other misc reasons.

I've pretty much never seen it work on any OS, anywhere.  And IMHO,
it's hopeless, if not a pain in the ass, to get vendor specific
specs for every machine out there, test all of them, etc.

Travers Buda

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