This incredibly misguided. People won't switch to free software
    because of hectoring and hamfisted attempts to frustrate their

Convincing people to switch to free software is just one part of what
we need to do to establish a society in which users are free.  We also
have to teach them to appreciate their freedom, and recognize that
non-free would deny them their freedom.  That way they will take
actions to protect their freedom.

Messages of acceptance of non-free software undermine the efforts
to teach people that appreciation, and that is why I have decided
to reject them.

As for words like "hectoring and hamfisted attempts", I think that
reflects your feelings toward me more than the reality of what I do.

    Rather than wasting effort trying to make firefox unusable for an
    unfortunately large proportion of its userbase and on insulting
    OpenBSD developers with spurious accusations, why not spend the
    energy on making a usable flashplayer replacement?

We are doing that too.  It is called Gnash.

However, if all we do is replace each non-free plug-in when it
appears, I don't think we will ever catch up with them.  We need to
address this problem from both ends: developing free plug-ins, and
discouraging the acceptance of non-free plug-ins.

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