In fact many of the people did expect this when you favorite
    organization lost the battle publically on Reyk's code that your
    friends stole and tried to impose your license on it, and when they
    even tried vainly to go legal by the advice of a un-educated american
    lawyer but finally foun that they have just embarrassed themselves in

I don't know who or what that refers to.  I do know that my favorite
organization is the Free Softwar Foundation, and I know it has not
been involved in anything that fits that description.

I suspect this is related to the harsh message Theo sent me a few
months ago, which rebuked what "you" (was that me? the FSF?) had done.
He mentioned the name "Reyk" (which I don't recognize) and said it had
something to do with a license.  But he did not go into details.
The FSF was not involved in the matter.

I could have investigated what he was talking about and determined
what conduct he had criticized.  Then, supposing I wanted to give them
some advice, I could have asked someone to find the developers'
addresses, and written to them.  Then they might or might not have
listened to me.

I could have done all that, but I saw no reason to go so far out of my
way for someone who was treating me rather badly.  So I simply told
him that the FSF was not involved in the matter.

I know that one part of your description events is wrong--the part
that says, that my "favorite organization" has "lost the battle
[publicly]".  My favorite organization, the FSF, was not involved.  If
any of "my friends" were involved, they did not inform me.

Those errors make me skeptical of the rest of your claims.  Did
someone lose a battle?  Did anyone really "steal" anything?  I don't
know, but I won't take your word for it.  Did they "try to go legal"?
If so, was it "vainly"?  If they got legal advice, was their lawyer
"un-educated"?  Was the outcome embarrassing for someone?  I don't

Whoever would like to know the answers to these questions would do
well to check on his own.

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