
I've just come across some strange behaviour on pfstatd on openbsd 4.2. If I run nmap against pfstatd, pfstatd stops. Is this expected behaviour or a known bug? It seems a bit weak to me for software that should be running on a firewall. To reproduce it try a straight nmap scan of the open pfstatd port.

My pfstatd options are:

pfstatd -a <physical_ip_address> -p <custom_port>

then nmap is just a standard scan:

nmap -p <custom_port> -P0 <firewall_ip>

I couldn't see anything in the logs to indicate why pfstatd stopped. I'm a bit puzzled at the moment why something so simple would cause it to fall over, so it may be something peculiar to my setup, but I was wondering has anyone else come across this?

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