
I know not everyone uses OpenBSD for a desktop OS, but I have been for
nearly 5 years and I'm quite curious about some of your opinions? do you
 embrace minimalism or pure aesthetics? are the two mutually exclusive?

When I started using OpenBSD (..around 3.7) I was frequently switching
between window managers, tweaking.. but for 2 years now I've been using
fluxbox and I believe I'm comfortable with it.

* Do you use one of the bundled window managers like
cwm(1)/twm(1)/fvwm(1) or something else?
* What other utilities do you find useful, any "dockapps" or similar
applets? personal customizations?
* Do you try to keep things uniform across other desktops?
* What does your environment look like? anyone willing to post
screenshots or actual workspace photos?

I realize none of this may be relevant or even useful, but I figured it
was worth asking here anyway.

Anyone feel like humouring me? :-)


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