
This is an email in response to what Wendell sent me. I also am replying to him 
in a long email discussing what he says. For anyone who does not wish to read 
I am asking that you at least read the first three paragraphs after this.

I would like to ask that you all to think about sending emails to  the many 
people that you know, and endorsing Carl for the School Board. Even ask friends 
to do the same. Don Carriker thinks much like Carl and has even endorsed 
Carl. We can vote for two school board members and he would be the best one to 
help Carl. This is for what I pray. I am voting  only for Carl in an effort to 
not give away one single vote.   

 I think that all of you know about Tom Martz, Fred Ellison's and 
Chris Donegan's campaigns along with others who are the group of people who 
be working against the failures we continue to witness. I am still getting the 
E-Verify petitions. It may not work 100% of the time as I am hearing, but I 
think it is still of utmost importance. We absolutely have to vote for people 
that the country needs like these I have mentioned.

 I have considered this, Wendell, most of the time every day. I am too intense 
know but the Obama administration is not counting the retired people, the vast 
amount of people on one or more social programs, the jobs which have left the 
country and the people who have quit trying ( many of  which are getting on 
program because the preparation of creating savings is avoided by by the 
majority of people in this nation). Free credit, teaching and renting along 
with other endeavors have reinforced the ideas of all that you are saying. I 
think the unemployment rate is higher than even perhaps 40% of people. Feel 
to argue because I would hope for much less. 

Since we have rented homes, we have seen this so many times I have become 
sickened. Our homes that we rent are in good shape and are rented at a lower 
rate than probably anyone else in this city. We have never raised our rent even 
when people have stayed for 10 years or more. They wouldn't stay if we did not 
keep up our houses. We have already been accused of being slum lords but we 
only one house that we do not keep up much because it is a storage house for 
rental equipment. Does one house uninhabited make one a slum lord.  Too many of 
those rental people are on one program or another. These people have 
not planned 
their lives,  have used too much credit and are not getting any type of 
education because of the work involved. Since the crunch we have people who can 
no longer pay their rent. Do we kick them out immediately? No! You probably 
that Carl is very giving actually. We have  lived in worse conditions than I 
could really handle in order to save and where I was not happy nor healthy. 
But, he is worth hanging in there because of the person he is. I would not 
even back him if I did not think he would be the best candidate. 

We try to help renters plan what they have to do. When the crunch is at its 
worst all of our houses will have renters and 1/3 of them will be crashing 
all uninhabited dwellings as I have seen in this neighborhood alone. They will 
gladly live in an unkempt dwelling. Land Lords will have to cut off utilities 
that they pay and the people will still be happy to have shelter. The condition 
that will become of these houses that are crashed I leave to you to 
consider. The country's condition will get worse and hopefully will eventually 
get better. I'm am not so sure of the getting better part.

All of us conservatives have experiences that help us understand this economy. 
Tom Martz, it took you to tell me that I was really a conservative and not a 
liberal. I discovered this with your help and Carl's example along with the 
shape this country has become, because of this excessive government, excessive 
spending, taxes and loans from and to the current administration and just 
plainly throwing money away on purpose. There are hardly any factory jobs 
because of them moving to other countries in order to make more money or avoid 
taxes which causes small and not so small businesses to fail along with 
our excessive programs which encourage people out of work to discontinue 
looking for other jobs or get the education they need even if they could get 
free government help. The government is allowing illegals to go on to higher 
education for free. Unemployment is not a respecter of people, however. I know 
well educated people who have to engage in jobs beneath their desires but do it 
to keep from using socialistic programs. I have. Even 30 years ago no one 
to live on welfare who had any self esteem at all. The best thing I have ever 
done is learning how to keep from paying interest. A home may be necessary and 
now a car. Get these paid for and learn to save from there on for life. 

We elders didn't have many options when we went to college and paid for every 
cent of it. There were several scholarships I was awarded due to my strong 
desire to get out of poverty, but I still had to wait even at that to earn 
enough to start my education. I could have had books, tuition,  and housing. 
That still does not include many other necessities. Then we worked menial jobs 
and I even enjoyed some of them such as I like typing. (How could you tell?) I 
could type for other candidates when Carl is elected with the help of many 
others. Many years ago when I was young we didn't have the number of federal 
programs to help us and I even know people my own age who have started their 
educations later in life but there are some who owe huge sums in loans which 
they never intend to pay. I have never seen anyone punished for this. I used to 
have a "family" member who borrowed with no intention of repayment who owes 
$75,000 and lives in a house worth over $100,000 who remains a con man for 
We cannot have 40% of our people to be con artists.

As you know Obama is quite satisfied that we have a failing country. The 
progressives are so ignorant while simply agreeing with Obama and are for 
these same reasons the enemies of this country. He has said we are his 
enemies. I think they actually believe that the NWO will be a good thing, but 
they have not thought enough or are afraid to be on the other side, our side. I 
think that most of us would rather die than pretend to be what we are not.

I am so sickened by what I have seen. There is some place for these programs, 
but very few should be using them and especially when it is their fault that 
they are where they are. I know a blind person who has worked for a pittance 
receives S.S and medicade. I do not feel that he is a parasite on this economy. 
He has also helped me get petitions signed in the high rise where he lives. I 
have found another person who will help me in this way and even in larger 

Many of us have never applied for any job that we did not get. We planned 
because of our childhood poverty. The riff raff actually teach their children 
how to live the way they have lived as you know. I have met so many women 
through rentals who have used the system which is their best way  to avoid 
an education while having children they cannot afford. I had a friend who had a 
baby at 14, but she worked and was not on any program. She eventually owned her 
own successful business. So many also plan to have no plan. How many programs 
they use? Not only that but many people are married who have too many children 
and without educations who of course use the people who work, their hosts, 
us. Living on the farm I saw many neighboring farmers have 8-13 children on 
up so that their children could work for them. When they did not attend school 
they we forced into poverty. They were the poorest of the poor. 

Overpopulation eventually kills and this is the reason that we have to do 
something about the millions of illegal immigrants who are flocking into the 
country to their own and our demise in the end. We have been promised that the 
borders would be closed. So much for that. They also get on all the programs 
they can and have babies who continue in their footsteps.

We have never rented to any person or family with too many children who were 
able to continue paying their rent. Not planning ruins lives of even good 
people. Riff raff just expect the people who have planned and worked for a 
better life to feel sorry for them. I, personally, have changed a lot through 
the years on that count, but do feel so badly about the children. I liked 
teaching on the North side for those children. Who hasn't changed if they were 
not perfect? I simply do not want to rent to uneducated people with more than 
three children. They will default on their rent and have every time. Single 
unwed mothers are ones who expect more than they deserve in rentals as well as 
the socialistic programs. The educated ones who have several children live on 
the south side of town. Even then, we need to keep our families smaller now 
the population is becoming very unhelpful to our standard of living and life in 

I know many black and all types of  people who pull their weight, and yet 
renting houses has shown us that so many think that we owe them their lives. 
Bill Cosby said this many years ago. Really, I have never been prejudiced 
against other ethnic groups because I was taught not to be. It started at an 
early age when I pointed to a black man and remarked about how he looked 
different. My mother kindly told me that we were not allowed to ever point out 
any one for any reason. I remember doing that once fairly recently and another 
family of course thought I hated black people. The way we look and act is more 
often than not a factor of who we are. Teachers learn how to recognize many 
people this way. 

 In order to save I have lived in neighborhoods where I have seen this 
and have had a good look at reality. As a teacher I was told that students 
were selling drugs by good students and even one of those was expelled for the 
violence he tried to inflict on me because I quit allowing him to go to the 
restroom to sell his drugs before I could even start the class. I am sure that 
he was on something like Crack or other uppers like it. The drugs who keep one 
from sleeping so they can carry on their lives of crime in the dark. Curtis 
Wilkerson was the principal who expelled the student and he went on to be a 
legislator. He enforced rules which is hardly known in this system or any 
system. There are two other good principals for whom I worked. I had an uncle 
who was a strict principal who told me to get certificates in at least three 
subjects for that would be helpful to get a job. I have been sent to three 
schools at one time in order to start Spanish in the 8th grade. I have also 
asked to be transferred to get experience in all three areas. This has caused 
to have different experiences with the administrations of these schools and 
had three excellent administrators. Substituting has also caused me to teach in 
every high school and middle school in Springfield. But at least I wasn't hired 
by Kelley Services. Carl and I and most you people have educated ourselves 
concerning this school system. And the state legislators need to be 

Too many of those who have rented our rentals have shown me even more of this. 
On the street where I live we have had many drug dealers as neighbors. I have 
learned as most of you have how to recognize many of them. I took my life in 
hand when I kept calling the police to my block and eventually the 
dealers found 
out who was doing the calling. They sold their drugs out in the open by selling 
to people in cars from 12:00 am to 4:00 a.m. One time I asked an officer what 
more could I do? He said with a frown that I should move and surely is one of a 
very few who feel that way. It doesn't take many public workers to cause great 
damage. That includes education or teachers etc. It took a few years of this to 
get results. I'm sure many policemen do feel great burdens because of the crime 
which has grown correlating with the rate of population which has has grown 

However we finally have a neighborhood where drugs are not sold openly. Houses 
have been renovated with government money which has helped a lot. Also most of 
these people could have done the same with out this aid. We have never used any 
government aid but lived beneath our means to pay for the rentals. Many 
spiritually challenged people can not pay the higher rent and we all know that 
the ghettos or bad neighborhoods are filled with such people.

Many people of all ethnic groups who are out of work go to doctors until they 
can get medicade and disibilities who are much healthier than you, Wendell, 
or I 
and who sell the drugs they get by planning this type of life. Some of these 
people are not even the normal criminals of which we should be afraid. Many 
of poor but out of luck sell to people that simply have not gone to the trouble 
to get on programs but to people who cannot get some of these medicines from a 
Doctor. Most anyone has to take narcotics for severe irritractable pain cannot 
get them because of the fear of narcotics over use created by criminals. And of 
course this is not to speak of the fact that immigrants get free medical care 
and even many American citizens who do not want to work never get insurance and 
go to the emergency rooms. As a result our premiums are sky rocketing. How do 
change this? Medical costs become too high for even the majority of people who 
do make their own way. I know that the health plan does sound like it would 
these problems, but of course it will become corrupted or start corrupted.

One thing we can do is to turn in these lazy people who get on these 
programs who plan to continue not working and to receive  or whatever they 
can. Why do the progressives continue allowing this? I think theyknow about the 
NWO and think that they will asked to be a part of it. It's sad to think that 
they would have to pretend to believe in Sharia law. This in itself proves they 
are dishonest and are getting elected so that they can receive the millions of 
dollars from the corporations, etc. This is pure corruption to the last word. 
is going to take vigilance and that is what you are all are doing which is 
almost like evangelical work that you do and I know that others of you have 
health problems but do not let them stop you.  

Since our government enables this more now than ever I am wondering what the 
hosts of this country really can do. Sometimes I think that Kennedy and Lincoln 
(not so far apart) were a  terrible loss and of course the same would not be 
true of Obama. He is our enemy and considers us his enemy as many of us know.  
There is of course only one way and that is to have more conservatives elected 
which is very possible. That is why I ask for your help. These candidates 
litterally need to be elected.

Obama is saying that he could save 1 trillion dollars in 15 or 20 years. Yeah! 
And how much will the debt have grown by then and who is left to loan us money 
which we most likely can never repay nor ever agin become sustainable. 

Rome lasted 700 years? I have always thought that we would never be able to do 
that and it looks like I have been right. Communication and technology works 
against us in this case.At the same time  if the internet ever becomes 
controlled by the government we are certainly ever close to be fatally 
wounded. It will take the right communication to ever undo this mess. Education 
is as I have shown to be so very important. No child left behind has been the 
fiasco I have hated most. That would be one of the tenets that progressives 
would back. We listened to a lobbiest for NEA on Saturday who agreed so closely 
to what Carl and the group believe and he had a standing ovation. Yet, NEA, did 
not endorse the two best candidates. Hell is on earth and is corruption even if 
there is a hell below.


Linda Herd 

From: wendell kerr <wker...@yahoo.com>
To: GOP HQ <grco...@sbcglobal.net>
Sent: Sat, March 5, 2011 1:12:58 AM

>>Barack Obama has been told by his Organizing For America political advisers 
>>no sitting president  except Franklin Roosevelt has ever been elected for a 
>>second term if his unemployment  rate is above 8 eight percent.
>>If you have been alert you will have noticed that on several occasions 
>>the un-employment figure  has gone down even though the "number of new hires 
>>stayed level or gone down."
>>How can that be?  Simple folks, it is the skillful use of the old "smoke and 
>>mirrors technique"  that politicians (ESPECIALLY
>>LEFT WING SOCIALIST POLITICIANS) use to "turn a negative result into what 
>>appears to be a positive!"
>>The attached article would have us believe that the economy is on the upswing 
>>the unemployment rate has dropped below 9% to an encouraging 8.9%.  Good news 
>>huh? Close study of this paragraph from the article  begins to uncover the  
>>LIE" that I believe lies within the  jerryrigged  "National Labor Force" 
>>The government's definition of the labor force is all individuals 16 years of 
>>age and older, who are employed or seeking employment. It does not include 
>>students; retirees; anyone with unreported income, or "discouraged" workers. 
>>The participation rate is the comparison of the "labor force," those looking 
>>work or employed, and everyone else. That ratio is currently 64.2 percent 
>>seasonally adjusted, and 63.9 percent non-seasonally adjusted, the same level 
>>last month. Both of those percentages are currently running at 27-year lows, 
>>meaning the percentage of Americans not working or even trying to join the 
>>force is at a near three-decade high. 
>>Put in proper context the "favorable aspects of the labor report"  will 
>>to be shown  for what they are intended to be  --  a giant "snow job: -- 
>>at improving Obama's  
>>image  for his planned run for a second term. 
>>                            IS ETERNAL VIGILANCE
>>                        WENDELL KERR
>>                        Wake Up America
>>P.S.  Always be alert for "THE BIG LIE"  aspect of  all pronouncements being 
>>out by  America's left wing politicians!      

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