Hi Paul,

>I wanted to report that routing through Europe is broken.  I have 
>noticed it in December 2009, but did not report it then because I 
>thought that my nüvi got broken.

I think that we have two variables at play here: software revisions 
(mkgmap and splitter) and data revisions (Geofabrik extracts).

Do you happen to have old europe.osm.bz2 files lying around? Do they 
process fine with current splitter and mkgmap? It could be that the data 
(or the mkgmap default style) has grown so much that more stuff is 
pulled in and some internal limit is exceeded.

For what it is worth, in early 2009 I was able to compile a routable 
Finland in 2 tiles (and soon thereafter in 3 tiles). Now I need 6 tiles.

>I generate my maps always with latest svn HEAD using the following 
>java -Xmx3000m -jar splitter.jar --max-nodes=400000 europe.osm.bz2 --cache=/tmp
>java -Xmx3600m -jar mkgmap.jar --index --description="EU" --route
>--series-name=OSM_EU --remove-short-arcs --description=OSM_EU_routing
>--tdbfile --add-pois-to-areas *.osm.gz
>The maps get written to destination img file using MapSource 6.13.7.

Did you try a smaller --max-nodes? Do you archive the areas.list or the 
software revision numbers that you are using? That could be a good idea 
for the future. I keep my scripts in a local Subversion repository, but 
I do not archive the source .osm.bz2 file.

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