Hi Paul,

Op 09-08-10 09:32, Paul Ortyl schreef:
 > I wanted to report that routing through Europe is broken.  I have
 > noticed it in December 2009, but did not report it then because I
 > thought that my nüvi got broken.

I realise that much has been said about routing "not working". But there 
is something I'd like to add.

Since r1431 (2009-12-10) bike routing has, IMHO and for my situation, 
degraded. When I'm building biking maps for the Amsterdam region, I'm 
using a style file from r1430.

Please note that this is for the Netherlands (which has many, many roads 
and and abundance of bicycle paths on OSM) and for bike routing, which 
has it's peculiarities on it's own. So I'm not blaming anyone or 
anything, it's just what I'm noticing for my own maps. Also, please note 
that your problem does not sound like the problem I'm describing, as the 
bike routing not working can be tracked back to the style file changes 
in r1431 - and it seems a bit different from your problem.

But apart from the tips and hints that others gave you, you might also 
want to check if revision 1430 (or it's style files) help you route 
better. And just in case your svn knowledge is as bad as mine:

$ cd resources/styles/default/
$ svn up -r 1430
(Then, if you like, you can copy .../styles/default/ to 
.../styles/something/, then run
$ svn up
to get the styles up to date again, compile mkgmap and run it with 
"--style=something" to get the r1430 style in your map).

Best regards,

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